AMD CEO Dr.Lisa Su荣登 2017年《财富》全球最伟大领袖榜

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2017-04-06 AMD中国


AMD CEO Dr. Lisa Su unveils new details about upcoming Ryzen processors and delivers the first demonstration of next-generation graphics architecture “Vega” paired with a Ryzen processor at the company’s New Horizon event on December 13, 2016.

Drew DeGennaro/AMD

在2016年12月13日举办的New Horizon活动上,AMD总裁兼首席执行官苏姿丰博士揭开了即将亮相的 锐龙 AMD Ryzen 处理器的神秘面纱,并首次为我们带来了锐龙 AMD Ryzen处理器搭配下一代“Vega”架构显卡的演示。

Drew DeGennaro/AMD

Though she didn’t get nearly as much attention as Marissa Mayer at Yahoo, Su’s challenge when she joined struggling semiconductor maker AMD in 2014 was perhaps just as great—and what’s more, Su has succeeded. A former chip designer, Su diversified AMD away from the PC market to focus on higher-growth areas like chips for videogaming consoles and data-center servers. She also made a savvy deal to license chip designs in China. Her reward: rebounding sales and a stock price that quadrupled in 2016.

尽管Dr. Lisa Su的任职并没有像Yahoo Marissa Mayer那样引起轰动,但她在2014年加入处于艰难期的AMD时,面临着同样的挑战——更重要的是Dr. Lisa Su取得了成功。曾负责芯片设计的她——Dr. Lisa Su引领了AMD走上业务多样化发展道路,带领AMD从传统PC聚焦到芯片高增长领域,例如游戏主机及数据中心服务器。她还成就了一项在中国市场授权芯片设计的重大合作。她的成就:提升销售业绩,2016年股票价格增长了3倍。 $AMD公司(AMD)$


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