-Hayekist- 的讨论

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We delivered another robust quarter in our Distilling Solutions segment, with sales increasing 3% year-over-year to $111.9 million. Gross profit for the quarter increased to $33.3 million or 29.8% of segment sales. The increase in gross profit can be attributed primarily to the increase in sales of new distillate and aged whiskey brown goods. Compared to the prior year period, sales of brown goods for the quarter increased 28%, driven primarily by increased pricing due to continued strong demand for both new distillate and aged whiskey.
我们的蒸馏解决方案部门又实现了强劲的季度业绩,销售额同比增长 3%,达到 1.119 亿美元。本季度毛利润增至3330万美元,占部门销售额的29.8%。毛利的增长主要归因于新馏分油和陈年威士忌棕色商品的销售额增加。与去年同期相比,本季度棕色商品的销售额增长了28%,这主要是由于对新馏分威士忌和陈年威士忌的需求持续强劲,导致价格上涨。