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Alan David Schnitzer

The Travelers Companies, Inc.

Chairman & CEO

Jay H. Gelb

Barclays Bank PLC, Research Division

MD & Senior Equity Analyst

Unidentified Analyst


Jay H. Gelb

Barclays Bank PLC, Research Division

MD & Senior Equity Analyst

Unidentified Analyst


Jay H. Gelb

Okay. Good morning, and welcome, everyone. Thanks, everyone, for joining us. Over the next several days is the Barclays Global Financial Services Conference. Jay Gelb, senior analyst covering U.S. insurance industry. So a great pleasure to have Travelers' Chairman and CEO, Alan Schnitzer, with us today. Travelers has been a fixture at the Barclays Financials Conference. Company is among the largest commercial and personal lines property casualty insurance companies in the U.S., with a superior track record of creating shareholder value. Alan, thanks for joining us.

可以。早上好,欢迎大家。谢谢大家加入我们。接下来的几天在巴克莱的全球金融服务会议。Jay Gelb,美国保险业资深分析师。很高兴今天有旅行家的董事长兼首席执行官艾伦·施尼策和我们在一起。旅行者一直是巴克莱金融会议的常客。公司是美国最大的商业和个人财产保险公司之一,在创造股东价值方面有着卓越的记录。艾伦,谢谢你加入我们。

Question & Answer

Jay H. Gelb

To start off, Alan, can you describe the current operating environment for Travelers?


Alan David Schnitzer

Great. Before I do that, Jay, I'm duty bound to share that to the extent we get around the forward-looking information today, and I expect we will that the risks and uncertainties involved, and I urge everybody to look at our filings (technical difficulty).


But back to your question, operating environment, we approach the operating environment from the perspective of long-term (technical difficulty), and we're confident that we got a competitive advantage to outperform over time is the way we think about it. Now in the short term, things were always going to change in the business, so whether it's social inflation, whether it's interest rates, whether it's regulations, things are going to change.


And what's important from that perspective is to have the experience (technical difficulty) very good from [almost] 10-year experience perspective that we've got all on that. And if we think longer term about the operating environment, it's an understatement to say the world has changed, (technical difficulty) before that (technical difficulty). So customer specifications are changing, right? Every (technical difficulty) stakeholder is measured against their last experience on Amazon. So we've got to be up to that challenge.


Technology is changing overnight. What we can do today with Data & Analytics is very exciting [and the] model is evolving. And so we're highly conscious of those forces of change (technical difficulty) the operating environment and we've established 3 priorities to respond to them. So we've built a business over decades (technical difficulty) risk and the products and services that our customers need to manage their risk. And we need to, in this environment, continue to invest within that lead.


We've got to provide great experiences for the customers, for our distribution partners and for our employees too. And we've got to do more with less. We've got to improve and optimize productivity and efficiency. We've got -- we've been very successful in that in recent years. But we think long term from an operating -- to get back to your question, the operating environment, we think the winners in this industry are going to be those with the foundation of excellence they can innovate successfully on top of that, and that's where we're focused.


Jay H. Gelb

Excellent. I think that's a great jumping off point. Travelers' objective is to deliver mid-core return on equity over time. Company's ROE was 11% first half of 2019, including the impact of catastrophe losses. And since 2005, Travelers' ROE has averaged 13%. How achievable do you feel this low-teen return on equity goal is over [there].


Alan David Schnitzer

Yes. And we get that question a lot because we express our -- make no mistake about it, return on equity is the primary measure we manage the company. We get that question a lot because we do express our objective as mid-teens over time. I've said many times and I'll just remind everybody again that we developed that mid-teens objective in 2005 when the 10-year treasury was about 5%. I looked this morning at the 10-year. I think it was around 1.6%. So in an environment of a 1.6% 10-year, it's very hard to get to the mid-teens.


And there was nothing magic about the mid-teens return on equity. All that really was, was a qualitative description of what in 2005 was -- would had been industry leading in this context of a 5% 10-year. Clearly, we're not in that environment and something less than mid-teens is industry-leading today. So I've said before and I'll say again, we really need the interest rates to get to a more normal level by historical standards in order to get back to that mid-teens. And I'll remind you that a year ago, about this time, the 10-year treasury was about 3%, and we all thought heading up, and that was encouraging, but we're not there today. But in any event, our objective is to deliver industry-leading returns.


Jay H. Gelb

At the same time, the company is generating industry-leading returns on the underwriting side in terms of its contribution to return on equity, right?


Alan David Schnitzer

Yes. We feel good about the underwriting return.


Jay H. Gelb

Okay. Let's discuss the commercial P&C cycle and also catastrophe exposure. The commercial P&C pricing cycle has been on an upward trend including several factors, such as large industry catastrophe losses, which has impacted industry results over the past 2 years. The peak of hurricane season is already approaching, and seasonal California wildfire risks typically peaks later in the year. How has Travelers addressed its catastrophe exposure from events such as hurricanes and wildfires, including its reinsurance protection?


Alan David Schnitzer

Yes. So if you take a step back and look at weather, weather losses have been trending up over time if you look back over some number of years. And we certainly worked that into our perspective when we think about our pricing risk management. But you got to take a step back from that and you got to look at catastrophe losses and you got to say, "Okay, to what extent are these increasing catastrophe losses coming from higher frequency and severity of perils and to what extent is it coming from other factors, for example demographics?"


So the population is growing. So you'd expect just by virtue of that for there to be higher degree of catastrophe losses. And on top of that, the population is growing, and in fact, home values are growing in harm's way, so thinking areas that have a higher propensity for tornadoes and the coasts where you've got hurricanes and wildfires. So you got to separate out the weather from the nonweather.


Now we do see a changing weather pattern. So you've got some areas of the country where you've got higher levels of drought, you've got other levels of the country where you've got higher levels of precipitation, we can see that in the data. It also seems reasonably likely. It's a little less clear in the data, but it seems reasonably likely that we're also seeing increased frequency and severity of thunderstorms and hurricanes.


And Dorian is a great example. Dorian is -- this will make the fourth consecutive year when we've had a Category 5 hurricane in the Atlantic, and I believe that is the longest streak on record. And Dorian tied for the strongest hurricane to make landfall. I think it tied with the 1925 hurricane. So hard to look at the anecdotal evidence and ignore that, but even what we see in the data would suggest that it's reasonably likely that those storms are getting more frequent and more severe. But these are perils that you manage over the long time. You manage over decades or longer.


And when we look back over our experience over the last decade, there haven't been many things that have surprised us other than the wildfires. The wildfires were surprising, and we've adjusted to that as one of the areas where we've got the industry has the least developed models for managing that peril, but that's really been the only surprise. But whether there's an event that surprises you or not, after every event, you take a step back and you say, "Did I expect that event? Was that event in my playbook? And then whether or not it was in your playbook?" You say, "What are the losses that came out of that event consistent with what I would have expected before that event." There's always lessons to learn.


When you take the data, you take literally just the loss data, you take the experience, take lessons learned from postmortem, and you factor that into your underwriting and your claims handling, and you try to do better next time. I'll just make a quick pitch for our claims group. In 2018, for the most significant catastrophic events we had in the U.S., we closed 95% of our property claims within 30 days of the event, which we think -- I don't have the data to support it, but I'd be surprised if anybody did any better than that. And what that means is if you're a Travelers' customer and you're impacted by a hurricane this time of the year, it's probable that it's -- there's some possibility, I guess, that you've got a better chance of getting back in your home to enjoy Thanksgiving than if you don't have a Travelers policy, and we think that's important.


Jay H. Gelb

Fair enough. And since you brought it up, Hurricane Dorian, any initial thoughts on that in terms of what the impact could be on Travelers and perhaps the broader industry?


Alan David Schnitzer

I don't have a number to share. It's certainly not as severe storm as -- in terms of losses anyway as if it did followed some of the early projected track. So I don't have a number to share. I will say that our thoughts and prayers are with those people in the Bahamas that really did take the brunt of that storm.


Jay H. Gelb

Okay. Let's turn to pricing. Travelers' domestic Business Insurance renewal rate trends have been favorable with a 3.6% increase in the most recent quarter, which was the highest level in 5 years. Can you talk a little bit about what's driving those trends in terms of increased pricing? And is this accelerating trend continuing into the third quarter?


Alan David Schnitzer

Yes. So the second quarter, that statistic you just mentioned, that was the 10th straight quarter where rate change had been up year-over-year, so that's pretty good news. As we look at initial data coming in for the current quarter, we would expect rate change in the third quarter to be somewhat higher than rate change in the second quarter of this year. Obviously, it's, what, September 9, so I don't have the full quarter yet. I can't tell you exactly what I think it's going to be, but we do think pricing in the third quarter will be up over the second quarter. So -- and by the way, that's after the headwind that we're seeing from workers' comp, which is a big line for us. So that's a number of years of compounding rate, which is a good thing.


The factors that are driving that rate change, I would categorize broadly speaking as just rate adequacy isn't there. So we're coming off some number of years where pricing didn't keep up with loss trend, so there was a diminishing margin during that period of time. You've got loss trend, I think, that's a factor for many in the industry, including us. And so that's coming both from the property and casualty side of this business. I do think there continues to be a question mark in terms of weather losses. And we've got interest rates that continuing to look like for some period of time into the future, they're going to be pretty low.


So all those factors that have been out there driving this rate environment, I think, are still out there. And on top of that you've got some capacity. I mean there's some -- there's something the capital is not there, but you've got some markets that have withdrawn from lines of businesses completely because they weren't getting adequate returns. So you take all those factors together, and we'd say they persist, and so we're encouraged that there's room for this to run.


Jay H. Gelb

That's great. And certainly, a positive trend on rate momentum. Social inflation seems perhaps to be a factor that could be affecting casualty insurance line. What are your thoughts around that? What are the emerging trends? And what are you keeping most watch on?


Alan David Schnitzer

Yes. So in the fourth quarter of 2018 and the second quarter of this year, we identified a more aggressive tort environment generally as a factor for us. And it's important to note it's not that we weren't expecting that. We were expecting that. We've been following that trend for a long period of time. But what we saw in the fourth quarter and what we saw in the second quarter were implications of a tort environment that came in even above our expectations.


And this is a very complicated topic, and I'm trying to sum it up in a couple of sentences, so I'm speaking in generalities here. But probably speaking, that comes up in a couple of ways in our data, and one is the rate of [internal] involvement on claims. And so that's been trending up for some period of time. We've been watching that. We've got an expectation for an upward trend, but we saw that come in even above what our expectations were. And one consequence of that is you get a lengthening of the claim development patterns, which is the way the actuaries double the data to come up with their loss estimates and so that's one of the reasons why you get a result that you didn't expect.


Now unfortunately and not unlike what we saw in the fourth quarter and the second quarter, as we look at the most recent data coming in subsequent to the second quarter, we continue to see loss activity that is coming in harder than we would have expected and that's after the higher levels of expectations we had after the fourth quarter and the second quarter. So this is an issue that continues to persist, and we're going to see the impact of that in the third quarter. We -- everything we see, it gives us a very high degree of confidence. This is environmental, and so we'll respond through both price and the litigation claims handling strategy.


Jay H. Gelb

Right. So with regard to -- my sense is your comment on having claims inflation impact results in the third quarter and kind of order of magnitude investors should be thinking about on the underlying cause issue.


Alan David Schnitzer

Yes. We haven't closed the books yet, and so it would be premature for me to share, but -- so it'd be premature for me to give an order of magnitude.


Jay H. Gelb

Okay. This time we would be able to see that probably.


Alan David Schnitzer

Oh, yes. Yes, yes.

Jay H. Gelb

All right. I hate to keep going on this, but to what extent do you feel that might be fully addressed in 3Q?


Alan David Schnitzer

Yes. I'm always hesitant to tell anybody that, boy, we've got it, we swung a big stick at it and it's done. And if I had said that after the fourth quarter, the second quarter I would have been wrong. And the fact of the matter is what we're really trying to do is look at the data that we have and react to the data that we have. And missing it too high is no better than missing it too low. Our objective is to get it right. So we're confident that we've got the right data that we've got the right analytics, we got the right people looking at it.


And this is a business where you don't know your cost of goods sold when you sell the product. So there's a lot of assumptions that go into it. You take all that, and you make your best estimate, and we price and reserve on the basis of those estimates. So we can't really -- it's a mistake to run this business in any way other than by the numbers, and we are very, very disciplined about that. And things are going to change from period to period, but very confident in our ability to manage this over time.


Jay H. Gelb

Okay. Any particular lines that you're seeing, like Commercial Auto or areas that have been a little hot up until now?


Alan David Schnitzer

Yes. Again too early for me to get. We haven't closed the books. It's too early for me to get into specifics.


Jay H. Gelb

All right. Workers' compensation, overall industry rates continued to decline, and my understanding is that's a pretty sizable part of Travelers' business. To what extent is Travelers addressing workers' comp to prevent underwriting margin compression?


Alan David Schnitzer

Definitely a large line for us. It's our largest line of business in Business Insurance. We're the #1 writer of workers' comp in the country, and we're really good at that business, and we feel really good about that business. So happy with that. The good news is the pricing pressure that we're feeling workers' comp is a function of the fact that returns have been very healthy for some time. And so it's not a health-of-the-line issue. It's a highly regulated line of business, and so there are going to be cycles in the pricing, and we can see over a long period of time those cycles have actually lagged the results.


And so what's important for us is that we've got the competitive advantages to manage through that. We've got competitive advantages to -- in terms of risk selection, in terms of segmentation, in terms of claims handling. Think about 500 nurses. We've got 500 nurses that are managing this line for us. We've got a model that predicts opioid -- that predicts chronic pain and therefore opioid addiction. So we've applied this model now to a cohort of about 65,000 people over some number of years. And among that cohort, we significantly reduced opioid usage. We significantly reduced surgeries, and we've significantly improved return to work. So those things make a difference. We've got -- and so that's where our models look at a situation and say, boy, high risk of severity, watch out. And that requires a high degree of intervention.


On the other side, we've got models that will look at a particular worker's injury and say, low risk of severity. And for those cohort of people, we've developed a mobile solution that lets them manage their own return to work through a mobile app. And I hesitate to describe it as a mobile app, it's way more than that. We've completely redesigned the work effort behind that. So I share those as examples of the type of things that we've done that we think gives us an advantage in this business. And again, we're active managers of our business. You give us a level playing field, and we think we'll outperform.


Jay H. Gelb

Of course. Okay. Let's talk about an interesting growth area. Cyber insurance, there seems to be substantial increases in demand for that coverage, although there's also been some large industry losses. How is Travelers approaching this business line?


Alan David Schnitzer

Yes. So the cyber product is an important product for our customers, and we think it's an important business opportunity for us. And so it's an important part of our business. Having said that, it is a coverage and a line of business that is evolving, and so we take a very measured approach to taking on that risk. We manage it through very strong operationally, so we've got very strong underwriting, we've got very strong risk management, we've got a very strong and very specialized claim response for it. And then you manage the product itself. You manage the terms, you manage the limits. A vast majority of our limits for cyber under $1 million.


And you think about reinsurance, it's one of the very few lines that we have a quota reinsurance policy for. And that's just a reflection of the fact that we want to be in it. We think it's an important opportunity. It's important for our customers, but we are very, very respectful of the risk. And so we're going to be very thoughtful about the nets that we keep on our balance sheet. I'll also say an issue for the entire industry and for us is the modeling for cyber catastrophes needs to evolve. It's a very early days for that. That's a significant priority for us, and we work with some third-party partners to make sure that we're advancing the science for cyber catastrophe modeling.


Jay H. Gelb

So it sounds like a great growth area for Travelers and at the same time meaningfully addressing aggregate type of exposures from an overall basis and then obviously on a per client basis given the reinsurance protection.


Alan David Schnitzer


Jay H. Gelb

Okay. Good. Let's turn to the U.S. economy. Travelers is among the largest insurers of businesses in the U.S., which gives a unique insight into economic activity. Travelers generated over 5% growth in gross written premiums year-to-date, which includes the benefits of pricing, new business growth and also business retention. What trends are you seeing in Travelers' Business Insurance customer base? And are there any differences in those trends, say, among small, midsize and large businesses?


Alan David Schnitzer

Yes. Let me start with the growth piece because we're very pleased with that. From 2008 to 2016, we grew at about 1.8% per year. From 2016 to 2018, we grew at about 3x that rate, close to 5.5% per year. Part of that is the economy as you mentioned, but part of that is initiatives that we've taken on. We said for a long time, I said earlier this morning that our key measure for managing this -- for managing our company is return on equity. That is the key measure that's front and center for all of us. But we're also highly aware of the fact that you can't have a strategy to deliver leading returns unless you've got a strategy to grow over time.


And at our last Investor Day, we said as much and we laid out a bunch of initiatives. And we said that these innovation initiatives are designed in large part to put us in a position to grow. And it's really important to reflect it that way because you talk about growth in this industry, people reflexively think, gee, you're going to reduce price to grow or you're going to change your risk profile to grow. We don't want to do either of those things, and we haven't done either of those things.


But we've put in place a number of initiatives across all of our businesses and functions to put us in a better position to grow when we think the opportunities are right for that. And the consequence of that and just through a lot of hustle and successful execution is that we've grown against 2016 to 2018 at 3x the rate of the prior bunch of years. So we feel good about that.


But back to your question, the economic -- the economy helps. That obviously shows up in our exposure. And we don't -- as we look through business sizes, we don't see a lot of trends that a lot of distinction between the trends in small, medium or large businesses.


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