博枫电力股东信摘抄 2023Q1

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从各季度#博枫电力股东信# 中摘抄一些时效性不高的文字。$Brookfield再生能源(BEP)$ 
Over the last few months we all witnessed significant market and interest rate volatility on the back of persistent inflationary pressures, and stress across the banking system. Yet, our business continues to be resilient.


Our generation portfolio is currently 90% contracted and has a weighted average remaining contract duration of 14 years. Approximately 70% of our revenues are linked to inflation and 97% of our debt has fixed interest rates.


We operate essential, low-cost infrastructure with gross margins of over 70%. Taken together, we are confident that our business will continue to perform across all economic cycles.


Our financial position also remains strong, with almost $4 billion of available liquidity. We have always prioritized financing our business on an investment grade basis with a focus on long duration, matched currency, and fixed rate debt.


As a result, we do not have meaningful exposure to interest rate variability or any material debt maturities over the next three years. We have also avoided funding our investments with substantial amounts of non-investment grade or holding company debt structures.


So, while overall market liquidity may be challenged, lender appetite for high grade issuers, especially for those supporting renewables or decarbonization initiatives, remains robust as demonstrated by our recently completed issuance of C$400 million of 10-year medium term notes, which was three times oversubscribed.


Our Financial Position Remains Strong


Our balance sheet is in an excellent position and our available liquidity remains robust at almost $4 billion, providing significant flexibility to fund growth.


We remain protected from higher interest rates, with 90% of our borrowings being project level non-recourse debt, with an average remaining term of 12 years, and only 3% exposure to floating rate debt.


We are also advancing non-recourse financing initiatives and our asset recycling programs which will generate additional capital to fund our growth.


Despite persistent inflation and higher interest rates, we continue to see strong demand for renewable energy assets globally and we are seeing strong interest across our capital recycling processes.


So far this year, we have generated over $300 million (almost $200 million net to Brookfield Renewable) of proceeds from our asset recycling program, returning more than double our invested capital.

今年到目前为止,我们已经从我们的资产变现计划中获得了超过3亿美元的进账 (BEP的部分为近2亿美元),回报超过了我们投入资本的两倍。

We are also advancing numerous capital recycling opportunities across our fleet that together with year-to-date activities could generate up to $4 billion (~$1.5 billion net to Brookfield Renewable) of proceeds when closed and provide significant incremental liquidity in the coming quarter.

我们还在整个发电组合中推进了许多资本变现机会,加上年初至今的活动,完成后可产生高达40亿美元的进账 (BEP的部分约15亿美元),将在未来一个季度提供显著的流动性增量。

【Outlook 前景】

We remain focused on our goal of delivering 12-15% long-term total returns for investors and believe our access to broad capital sources, disciplined investment process and operational capabilities provide us with a structural advantage to achieve our targets.



2023-06-14 02:13


2023-07-27 14:41

