博枫基建股东信摘抄 2022Q4

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从各季度#博枫基建股东信# 中摘抄一些时效性不高的文字。$Brookfield基础设施(BIP)$ 

The Case for Infrastructure


The global macroeconomic environment in the past year was characterized by several key headwinds driving market uncertainty and volatility, namely elevated levels of inflation and corresponding interest rate increases.


Although inflation appears to be cresting in most countries, it is possible that certain structural dynamics prove harder to abate, such as the effects of deglobalization, energy security and a tight supply of skilled labor. This may result in continued near-term market volatility and downward pressure on corporate earnings with cyclical exposure.


Investing in infrastructure assets provides many benefits for investors seeking to manage volatility. One of the main advantages is the opportunity to participate in steady, long-term returns.


Infrastructure assets such as utilities, pipelines, ports and telecom towers are essential for the functioning of the economy and society. Investments in infrastructure, while not agnostic to the macro environment, typically perform well through all parts of the market cycle, and notably outperform during economic troughs.


The following key characteristics of infrastructure investments exemplify this perspective:


Highly contracted or regulated revenue. The commercial frameworks underpinning infrastructure assets are generally long duration and therefore provide sustainable cash flow predictability. The counterparties to these agreements are usually governments or investment grade corporates, typically possessing a high degree of credit quality.


History of inflation protection. An advantage of investing in infrastructure assets is that they can act as a hedge against inflation. The cash flows generated by infrastructure assets are often linked to inflation, which means that as the cost-of-living increases, so do the revenues generated by the assets. As a result, infrastructure revenues are well-positioned to expand or at least maintain margins during periods of elevated inflation.


Upside growth potential. Exposure to infrastructure is an ideal choice for investors that value defensive attributes but are also seeking to benefit from growth during an economic downturn. In addition to providing steady returns and inflation protection, infrastructure assets also play a role in promoting economic growth.


By providing essential services, such as transportation and energy, many infrastructure assets continue to grow during economic slowdowns helping to increase productivity, create jobs, and promote development, while also increasing in value during periods of GDP expansion.


In summary, the resilient nature of infrastructure, with its highly contracted and regulated revenues provides fixed income-like cash flows, inflation protection and upside from the participation in economic growth. This makes the asset class an appealing investment choice in all market conditions.
