博枫股东信摘抄 2022Q3

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$Brookfield资管(BAM)$ 从历年#博枫股东信#中,随手摘选一些时效性不强的文字

【Market Environment 市场环境】

It looks as though interest rates may peak in the next six months and many of the major economies of the world will experience a recession. As inflation abates, we think interest rates will slowly come down, but this might take some time, depending on how long it takes to harness inflation.


The current environment has created dislocation in the financial markets, with access to capital becoming a challenge for many. We believe this will abate over time but for the time being, it has led to a significant slowdown in transaction volume despite an increased need for capital for many companies.


Fortunately, we have approximately $125 billion of deployable capital and the skills to navigate these markets and execute transactions. As a result, the current markets present a good opportunity for us.


This applies to all our businesses, but we think it will be particularly positive for both our Insurance Solutions business, which has been largely sitting on cash until now, and our Oaktree franchise, which specializes in investing in less-than-ideal markets.


【The Future is Renewable 未来是可再生能源】

Renewables are fast becoming a major source of electricity generation in most countries around the world. The many reasons for this are outlined below. Combined, they are adding to the tailwind for our business and accelerating its growth.


They are the cheapest: 它们是最便宜的:

Renewables are now the cheapest form of electricity in most major markets around the world. Construction costs have come down dramatically as a result of advances in technology and manufacturing scale. In addition, the wind and sun have no variable cost. In an inflationary world, this is very powerful.


They are carbon free: 它们是无碳的:

In a world where most individuals and almost all corporations now recognize that we need to transition to a less-carbon-intensive world, renewables are the most productive and simplest way to reduce carbon emissions. Capable of producing energy with zero emissions, they are therefore the base of all global corporations’ carbon reduction plans.


They are easy to build: 它们很容易建造:

Electricity can be generated from natural gas, coal, nuclear, hydro, wind, solar and sometimes (but not often) oil. In contrast to the long construction times of a natural gas-fired plant, coal plant, or nuclear facility, wind and solar plants can be built relatively simply and without risk of major cost over-runs. Essentially, these involve relatively simple construction projects which can be completed in 12 to 24 months, depending on the site.


There is growing need: 需求日益增长:

As the world continues to electrify, it is expected that 50% more electricity will be required in most markets. We believe the increase in demand is a trend for at least the next 20 years and reverses a 20-year flat demand curve. This is due to the large increase in global population, the increase in demand that occurs as those populations become wealthier, and the demand from industry and cars as they move from natural gas and oil-based gasoline to electricity.


They offer national security: 他们提供了主权安全:

Countries have recently learned what it means not to have local control of their electricity supply. Renewables and nuclear are the only locally sourced forms of electricity—unless a country has local natural gas, which most don’t. As a result, wind and solar are now identified as strategic resources for many countries and will increasingly be seen as a fundamental ingredient of national sovereignty.


They will soon be baseload: 它们很快就会成为基负载:

The greatest criticism of wind and solar has been that there are times when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine. Technology, though, is quickly moving towards breakthroughs that will allow batteries to store electricity efficiently, and for hydrogen to be utilized to store electricity in conjunction with renewables. As these technologies advance, renewables will soon become baseload electricity, eliminating the need for other historically important technologies to augment wind and solar.


Taken together, these factors make the renewables business a very exciting place to be for the next 20 years as the world transitions to reduced carbon intensity.


Our Vast Capital Flexibility Differentiates our Franchise


We recently closed an innovative transaction that demonstrates the strengths and breadth of our franchise very well. We think it is an exceptional transaction for all parties involved, and we hope that we will be able to bring this type of transaction to our constituents in the future.


By way of background, in 2018 we acquired Westinghouse Electric Company in a bankruptcy proceeding. Westinghouse had tried to expand into construction of nuclear plants with fixed price contracts, and unfortunately miscalculations forced it to file for bankruptcy.


Westinghouse’s business was primarily—and is now exclusively—the ownership of one of the only four nuclear technologies in the world, along with the servicing, maintenance, and fueling of the installed fleet of nuclear power plants. The business has proven to be an exceptional one during our five recent years of ownership.


The purchase was made in our private equity fund because Westinghouse needed a turnaround. The purchase price was $4 billion; we invested approximately $1 billion of equity and financed the balance with $3 billion of debt.

当时由我们的PE基金$Brookfield商业合伙(BBU)$ 来收购西屋电气,是因为此业务需要深度改造。收购价格为40亿美元; 我们投资了大约10亿美元的股权,并用30亿美元的债务为剩余部分融资。

The turnaround was extremely successful and to date the company has distributed cash greater than the original equity investment; its debt is lower; it’s generating approximately $800 million of annual run-rate EBITDA; and its growth prospects are accelerating.

这次改造非常成功;到目前为止,该公司派发的股息已经超过了最初的股权投资; 它的债务也下降了; 它每年产生约8亿美元的EBITDA; 而且它的增长前景正在加速。

Westinghouse today is the leading provider of highly technical aftermarket products and services to the nuclear power infrastructure market and government agencies on a global basis. It is a global leader with a large installed technology base, a large backlog of contracted revenue, leading technology, and a highly specialized workforce of 9,000 employees with over 2,500 highly experienced and trained nuclear engineers located around the world.


These attributes enable Westinghouse to develop and provide the critical, very specialized services required to meet global net-zero targets. As a result, Westinghouse benefits from long-term contracts, significant recurring revenue, high customer retention, and high barriers to entry. Few companies have a moat like this one.


Recently, we decided that our private equity fund should sell this asset as it had fully achieved its plans. We set out to run a sale process, acknowledging two impediments to the full sale that our private equity fund wanted to achieve.


The first was that Westinghouse’s low-cost long-term debt is very valuable and would be required to be repaid on a change of control.


The second was that few businesses are able to own Westinghouse, as it is a strategic asset to the U.S. and numerous other countries and operates very sensitive infrastructure globally. This limited the universe of potential buyers, and if it were sold outright, there was significant risk that governments wouldn’t approve the buyer.


During the sale process we decided that, given what is going on in energy globally, this could be the ideal Transition asset and a new pillar on which our renewable company and global transition partners could contribute to a carbon-free future.

在出售过程中,我们决定,鉴于全球能源的现状,这可能是理想的能源转型资产,以及我们的可再生能源公司$Brookfield再生能源(BEP)$ 和转型基金合伙人可以为无碳的未来做出贡献的一个新支柱。

A sale to our Transition fund had the advantage (to the benefit of all parties) of not presenting change-of-control risks on the financing (as we control both), and few approvals required to buy the asset.

出售给我们的能源转型基金有一个优势 (对各方都有利),即不会出现融资上的控制权变更风险 (因为我们控制着两者),而且购买资产所需的审批很少。

Further advancing their efforts, our Transition group partnered with Cameco, one of the world’s largest miners and fabricators of uranium (the feedstock for nuclear plants), who agreed to acquire a 49% interest in Westinghouse based on a valuation of about $8 billion.

为了进一步推进他们的努力,我们的转型业务与Cameco合作,Cameco是世界上最大的铀(核电站的原料) 矿商和制造商之一,同意以约80亿美元的估值收购西屋电气49%的股权。

Cameco is a highly strategic partner to the investment and longer term, this could be game-changing for Westinghouse. The long-term plan is to build a vertically integrated nuclear operator for the western world.


For our private equity business, this sale completes a highly successful investment and , and it delivers a return of 6x capital and an IRR of approximately 60% to investors in our Brookfield Capital Partners Fund and our listed Brookfield Business Partners.


For the record, seldom do investments return both this scale of profit ($4.5 billion) and an approximate IRR of this quantum.

需要说明的是,很少有投资能同时获得如此规模的利润 (45亿美元) 和类似的内部收益率。

For our Transition fund, we are now positioned at the heart of the nuclear transformation that we foresee unfolding over the coming decades.



在西方,大部分人对brookfield的态度很混杂。 假设这些质疑一部分是真的,报纸对他的覆盖就是开玩笑一样。但是假如不是真的,现在估值确实很有吸引力。

2022-11-11 08:41


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2022-11-11 02:30
