博枫电力股东信摘抄 2022Q3

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从各季度#博枫电力股东信# 中摘抄一些时效性不高的文字。$Brookfield再生能源(BEP)$ 

Nuclear is Critical to the Net-Zero Transition and Energy Security


In October, we agreed to form a strategic partnership with Cameco to acquire Westinghouse, one of the world’s largest nuclear services businesses.

今年10月,我们同意与$Cameco Corp(CCJ)$ 公司建立战略合作伙伴关系,收购世界上最大的核服务企业之一西屋电气

The partnership brings together Cameco’s expertise as one of the largest global suppliers of uranium fuel for nuclear energy with Brookfield Renewable’s clean energy capabilities to create a powerful platform for strategic growth across the nuclear sector.

此次合作将Cameco作为全球最大的核能铀燃料供应商之一的专业知识与$Brookfield再生能源(BEP)$ 的清洁能源能力结合起来,为整个核部门的战略增长创造一个强大的平台。

The total equity invested will be approximately $4.5 billion ($750 million net to Brookfield Renewable), and we, alongside our institutional partners, will own a 51% interest with Cameco owning 49%.


Westinghouse and nuclear power generation benefit from the same industry tailwinds as wind, solar, and hydro—decarbonization, electrification, and energy security. Recent geopolitical uncertainty is accelerating the need for countries to achieve energy independence.


Further, any credible net-zero plan must include a meaningful and growing amount of nuclear power. Intermittent renewable technologies must be complemented by dispatchable resources.


As the owner of one of the largest hydro businesses globally, we are seeing the increasing value of clean, dispatchable, baseload power generation. Like hydro, nuclear power provides a reliable and economic source of electricity to the grid.


Going forward, we believe hydro and nuclear power will be the key technologies facilitating the rapid growth of intermittent solar and wind.


As the leading original equipment manufacturer and scale provider of mission-critical technologies, products, and services to half the global nuclear power generation fleet, Westinghouse is well positioned to capture nuclear industry tailwinds.


Further, Westinghouse serves as a critical enabler of the energy transition across the world, providing products and services essential for the continued operation and growth of the global nuclear fleet.


The business operates well in all environments, given it is underpinned by highly durable cash flows, with approximately 85% of revenue coming from long-term, inflation-linked contracted or highly recurring service provision and a nearly 100% customer retention rate.


Further, Westinghouse takes no commodity, construction, or significant fixed price contract risk, and it operates in countries where the liability for nuclear accidents lies entirely with the plant operators.


With over 50 gigawatts of plant extensions announced and more than 60 gigawatts of new-build reactors expected between 2020 and 2040 across more than 20 countries globally, Westinghouse is well positioned to benefit.


The company has also secured new business servicing dozens of nuclear facilities across Eastern European countries that Russia traditionally served and is supporting the growing pipeline for extending and uprating existing nuclear power plants.


And finally, there are multi-decade growth opportunities in the rollout of next-generation advanced nuclear technology, such as Westinghouse’s eVinci micro-reactor technology, which can play a growing role in an increasingly decentralized and decarbonized energy system.


Balance Sheet and Liquidity


Our balance sheet is in excellent shape, with S&P and Fitch affirming our credit rating at BBB+ with a stable outlook.


We remain resilient to the rising interest rates globally, with over 90% of our borrowings being project level non-recourse debt, with an average remaining term of 12 years, no material near-term maturities in the next five years, and only 3% exposure to floating rate debt.


Despite market volatility, our access to diverse pools of capital continues to be differentiated. We have over $3.5 billion of available liquidity, giving us significant financial flexibility during periods of capital scarcity.


During the quarter, we secured over $3.7 billion of non-recourse financings across the business that will close this year, resulting in approximately $400 million in upfinancing proceeds to Brookfield Renewable.


We are also accelerating our capital recycling program, which is not only an important part of our funding plan, but also a critical way we create value through a full cycle investment strategy.


Continuing our recent trend of consistent monetizations, we have now agreed to close the sale of two solar facilities in Germany and four of five tranches of the sale of our 630-megawatt solar portfolio in Mexico, where we expect to close the final tranche by the end of the year, generating $400 million in the aggregate ($50 million net to Brookfield Renewable).


To date this year, we have initiated capital recycling initiatives that we expect to generate approximately $830 million of proceeds ($430 million net to Brookfield Renewable) when closed.


We have also launched sales processes for some of our mature assets in select markets, which are garnering significant interest at attractive valuations providing significant visibility to our capital recycling program for the coming quarters.


【Outlook 前景】

We are focused on growing our business and enhancing cash flows from our existing portfolio in order to generate 12-15% total long-term returns for our unitholders and shareholders.


Looking ahead, the opportunities for investing in renewable power and the energy transition will be even greater than they are today. And we continue to believe that our scale, track record, and global capabilities, position us as a partner of choice in facilitating decarbonization solutions.
