博枫电力股东信摘抄 2022Q1和Q2

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从各季度#博枫电力股东信# 中摘抄一些时效性不高的文字。$Brookfield再生能源(BEP)$ 

We are well protected in an inflationary environment


As central banks tighten monetary policy, markets are increasingly focused on the potential for sustained inflation in the future. We are fortunate that regardless of whether inflation is transitory or sustained, we expect our business to perform well.


In fact, we see inflation as a tailwind for our operating assets given that approximately 70% of our contracts are indexed to inflation and we have a largely fixed cost structure with relatively limited exposure to rising labour costs or increasing maintenance capital expenditures.


Our input costs for the sun, wind and water remain unchanged at zero. This compares to an over 50% increase in energy input costs for most alternative electricity generation over the last twelve months.


Together with our almost exclusively fixed rate debt structure means the compounding effect of inflating revenue streams should drive very meaningful operating leverage across our business.


Our 15,000 megawatts of under-construction and advanced-stage assets benefit from our focus on avoiding risk. We virtually always lock in the cost of our major components when we sign revenue contracts. As a result, we believe we have matched our costs and revenues and locked in a large share of our target return.


And while global supply chain disruptions continue to impact our industry, our diversified pipeline and strong relationships with suppliers mean that we are well placed to manage these issues such that they are not material to our business.


These supply chain challenges have reduced the supply of new projects, as some developers will delay or walk away from their obligations. This creates a potential upside for our business, as demand for clean energy continues to grow, increasing the value of high-quality ready-to-build projects that can meet customers’ near-term needs. We are fortunate to have many such projects in our pipeline and are seeing significant demand for their future generation in the form of higher PPA prices.



We are confident that inflation and supply chain pressures will not drive a slowdown in the adoption of clean energy globally. Elevated and volatile global energy prices continue to reinforce wind and solar’s position as the cheapest form of bulk electricity production and demonstrate the benefit of generation that is not subject to variable input costs.


Across our 69,000-megawatt pipeline, which is diversified across regions and technologies, we have seen a strong willingness from the largest buyers of clean energy to absorb higher prices as the benefits of decarbonization, energy security, and price stability far outweigh the small increases in costs they are facing.


Furthermore, our scale and centralized procurement function help ensure that we are a priority client for suppliers and give us operational flexibility. We are well positioned to manage inflation or supply chain pressures going forward and remain a partner of choice with the ability to deliver new projects for those looking to decarbonize.


【Electricity is Mission Critical 电力是关键任务】

Our business remains well positioned to operate and grow irrespective of the economic situation, including during periods of slower economic growth or market volatility. This comes down to the fact that power is an essential service, meaning demand for our product is not materially impacted by economic conditions, especially given renewables are provided priority dispatch across most markets.


The early days of the pandemic illustrated this dynamic, where, despite a dramatic slowdown in economies, our business continued to perform well, as renewable generation increased nearly 15%.


Further, our business is highly contracted with a diverse set of high-quality customers and PPAs that are inflation-linked and underpinned by a conservative, investment-grade financing structure that is almost exclusively fixed rate.


The growth of our business is driven by long-term global trends, notably the transition of the global economy to net zero, which far outweigh short-term market conditions. These long-term trends are further accelerated by tailwinds from emerging energy security issues, and wind and solar now being the lowest cost bulk generation available in most markets, providing counterparties with environmental, geopolitical, and economic incentive to invest.


Despite current market volatility, the transition investment opportunity remains significant. Looking ahead, with the increasing electrification of many large industries, demand for net new generation, beyond the replacement of existing thermal generation, will be significant, creating even further large-scale tailwinds. Brookfield Renewable is exceedingly well positioned to support and capture that opportunity.

尽管目前市场波动较大,但转型投资机会仍然很大。展望未来,随着许多大型工业的电气化程度不断提高,在取代现有热发电的基础之上,对净新发电的需求也将非常大,从而产生进一步的大规模利好。$Brookfield再生能源(BEP)$ 在支持和抓住这一机遇方面处于非常有利的位置。

Furthermore, despite recent pressure on development and financing costs globally, our growth has not been meaningfully impacted as buyers of clean energy are generally accepting cost increases in the form of higher PPA prices. This is on the back of accelerating decarbonization and energy security tailwinds, as well as the continued cost competitiveness of wind and solar, which has only been enhanced by the impact of commodity prices on the cost of thermal generation.



Our business performed well in the quarter as we continue to execute on our strategy of acquiring assets for value, enhancing the cash flows through our operating capabilities, and leveraging our capabilities to drive decarbonization across the business.


Clean energy occupies a uniquely complementary position to the global goals of low-cost energy, net-zero emissions and energy security. The wind and the sun do not need to be imported and don’t rely on substantial transport infrastructure. These underappreciated benefits will become increasingly more relevant as energy security becomes a higher priority.


This represents an additional tailwind to our businesses, and together with accelerating decarbonization trends, will continue to enhance the position of investors with capital, operating capabilities, and a development pipeline to accelerate the build-out of renewables in scale.


We are seeing this trend play out within our own portfolio. One recent example is at our German utility-scale solar developer. In February, Germany’s coalition government announced an acceleration of the country’s decarbonization targets to close to 100% green power by 2035, confirming a target of 200,000 megawatts of solar capacity, up from 60,000 megawatts previously.


As a result, we have injected additional capital into the business and are accelerating our business plan, including doubling the expected megawatts achieving ready-to-build status in the first two years.


With a very substantial global development pipeline, which now stands at 69,000 megawatts, we expect to see several other opportunities to pull forward development and accelerate the deployment of capital at accretive returns throughout our portfolio.


Looking forward, with decarbonization and energy security firmly established as a priority of global leaders, we are focused on the continued build-out of renewables, and the increasing demand for other decarbonization solutions, including carbon capture, green hydrogen and other energy services solutions.


Balance Sheet And Liquidity 资产负债表和流动性

Our balance sheet and liquidity remain strong. We have approximately $4 billion of available liquidity, allowing us to opportunistically fund our growth pipeline, and no material near-term maturities.


Additionally, with the recent $15 billion closing of Brookfield’s Global Transition Fund, we have access to scale capital to invest alongside us, which is a meaningful advantage given increasingly volatile capital markets.


During the first half of 2022, we accelerated many of our financing activities, extending the term of our debt and locking in attractive interest rates, before recent rate increases. During the quarter, we executed $2.1 billion of non-recourse financings across the business.


Notably, on the back of a strong outlook for our Colombian business and in anticipation of potential market volatility ahead of the recent presidential elections, we raised $630 million ($150 million net to Brookfield Renewable) in upfinancings at an average term of over 8 years.


As a result, our balance sheet is in excellent shape, with an average debt duration across our portfolio of 13 years and very limited floating rate debt, almost all of which is in Brazil and Colombia, where we have the benefit of full inflation escalation in our contracts.
