博枫基建股东信摘抄 2020Q1

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从各季度#博枫基建股东信# 中摘抄一些时效性不高的文字。使用有道机器翻译。$Brookfield基础设施(BIP)$ 

【Overview 概述】

Over the last several months, the rapid spread of the COVID-19 (“covid”) virus from country to country has meant that business conditions have changed, almost overnight. In an effort to contain its spread, governments everywhere have taken unprecedented measures including the implementation of travel bans, self-imposed quarantine periods and other mandated closures, which has materially disrupted economic activity.

过去几个月来,Covid -19病毒在国与国之间的迅速传播意味着商业环境几乎在一夜之间发生了变化。为了遏制疫情的传播,世界各地的政府都采取了前所未有的措施,包括实施旅行禁令、自我隔离期和其他强制关闭,这在很大程度上扰乱了经济活动。

In the first quarter of 2020, Brookfield Infrastructure generated Funds from Operations (FFO) totaling $358 million, an increase of 2% compared to the prior year. This solid performance is a demonstration of the quality of our asset base and the critical services they provide. The economic slowdown impacted our port assets early in the quarter, while other businesses were affected near the end of the quarter, as more stringent measures constraining personal mobility were enacted. The effective shutdown of the global economy created challenges for some of our businesses, however, we have robust preparedness measures in place across the organization to protect our people and we are working hard to maintain uninterrupted service across our portfolio.

在2020年第一季度,$Brookfield基础设施(BIP)$ 的运营现金流(FFO)总计3.58亿美元,与前一年相比增长了2%。这一坚实的业绩证明了我们的资产基础及其提供的关键服务的质量。


Our management team has experience operating through numerous periods of market dislocation and uncertainty. The distinguishing factors of this downturn are the suddenness and extent of the economic contraction that has taken place, the level of central bank and government intervention to support the economy, and the concurrent oil price decline.

我们的管理团队有经历过多次市场混乱和不确定时期的经验。此次经济衰退的显著因素是: 经济收缩的突然性和程度、央行和政府支持经济的干预力度,以及同时出现的油价下跌。

Regardless of the differences in both the cause and severity of the stress, Brookfield Infrastructure was well prepared financially to react to these challenging conditions. Our business strategy is underpinned by four main pillars: (i) maintain high levels of liquidity at all times, (ii) finance our assets with long duration, fixed rate debt, (iii) invest in high-quality, well-contracted assets, and (iv) diversify the portfolio by both geography and sector.


(i) 在任何时候保持高水平的流动性,

(ii) 通过长期固定利率债务为我们的资产提供融资,

(iii) 投资于高质量的、契约良好的资产,

(iv) 按地域和行业分散投资组合。

While it is too early to comment on learnings from the pandemic, our conviction regarding the attractiveness and sustainability of the infrastructure sector has been reinforced. It is with considerable pride that we can report that every operating business owned by Brookfield Infrastructure was deemed an essential service and thus has been operating throughout this period. Furthermore, our experience to date has shown that our utility, data and energy assets, which generate approximately 70% of our FFO, will be only modestly affected by the current environment. Our transportation infrastructure assets are experiencing near-term volume related variations due to the shutdown measures but the diversity and quality of these assets across rail, roads and ports is minimizing the overall impact to the company.




Efforts are already underway in many countries to restart the economy in a thoughtful, prudent manner. We believe that the most challenging period is behind us, but we are well prepared to react should the lockdowns persist or get reinstated due to a second wave of infections. During this period of stress, we have also been progressing the closing of our Indian telecom tower transaction and active in evaluating investment opportunities in the capital markets where we believe we will earn out-sized returns once the economy recovers. In aggregate, we expect to deploy over $700 million into these high value, strategic initiatives in the short term.



【Resilient Business Model 有韧性的商业模式】

Investors often ask about the sustainability of cash flows both during and following economic downturns. Predicting future results is always precarious, but we have a few months of experience operating through this new environment which we can reflect on. The prevailing global economic environment will affect our near-term results although the diversity and contractual frameworks underpinning our assets should cushion the overall impact.


Before delving into our operations, we would note that one factor affecting our near-term results is foreign exchange rates, particularly the strength of the U.S. dollar versus the Brazilian Real. We remain confident that foreign exchange rates will eventually normalize, but in the short run, converting results at some of our Brazilian investments into U.S. dollars will understate their strong performance in the local currency.


When we measure the resiliency of our business, we begin with our utilities, energy and data infrastructure operations, which contribute roughly 70% of our annual FFO. On a local currency basis, nearly all these businesses continue to perform in-line with budget. The stability and sustainability of these results reflect the regulated and capacity-based contractual frameworks of these operations. While a few of our assets in these segments have moderate exposure to market-sensitive revenues, the impact to our overall results is expected to be less than 1% annually, even in a scenario where covid has a prolonged effect.



The only other variable that may affect results is the timing of commissioning our backlog of secured growth due to construction slowdowns or stoppages. As an example, the pace of construction at our U.K. regulated distribution business slowed significantly in April as a national construction shutdown was implemented across the U.K. and home builders suspended operations. While home construction is recommencing in May, activity levels may remain depressed for the balance of the year due to social distancing protocols.


The impact on our 2020 results is expected to be approximately 2%. More importantly, the potential decrease in FFO would only reflect a delay in the recognition of accounting revenue and not a permanent loss of cash flows or economic value as the backlog should eventually be added to rate base.


Approximately 30% of our annual FFO comes from our transport segment, which includes rail, ports and toll roads. This is the segment where we have the most exposure to GDP sensitive volumes. Our rail assets, which generate approximately 50% of the FFO in our transport segment, have proven very resilient in the current environment, and ran on budget in the first quarter. For the month of April, rail volumes in aggregate are approximately 7% below planned levels. Our rail networks carry predominantly basic bulk goods (iron ore, agricultural and pulp & paper inputs and finished goods). Our exposure to inter-modal traffic, which has been more impacted by reduced trade flows, is relatively low.



Our port assets are predominantly container terminals. We experienced volume declines of approximately 15% in the first quarter as container volumes from Asia were lower as a result of lockdowns in that key export region. Our port volumes started to rebound early in the second quarter as production from China came back online but are still running approximately 10% below plan today due to the general decline in economic activity. Overall, our port volumes have been relatively robust as our assets are predominantly in the U.K., Australia and California, where the goods we move are critical to the basic functioning of these local economies.


Our toll roads have been the most impacted from a volume perspective, with traffic declines of approximately 40% across our portfolio. The positive here is that in most jurisdictions where we operate, regulators have acknowledged that the current conditions qualify as a force majeure event, which positions us for the possibility of being kept whole on a value basis via either direct compensation or extension of the duration of our concessions.


We believe that the reduction in FFO due to the economic impact of covid is temporary and that the long-term run-rate earnings capacity of our overall business is for the most part unaffected. Furthermore, while our distribution payout ratio may exceed our target levels for the balance of the year, our distributions remain well covered by operating cash flows. We also have ample liquidity and no near-term refinancing requirements of any consequence, providing us the flexibility to pursue new investments.


【Outlook 前景】

Our outlook for the balance of the year is guided by the current state of affairs and the cautious approach most governments are taking towards opening up their economies. We are nonetheless encouraged by reports from our colleagues who work in certain parts of Asia that have commenced reopening procedures, that many business activities have returned to ‘near normal’, even with new norms regarding social distancing. Our current view of global operating conditions is that the closure of non-essential businesses will largely continue through the second quarter, after which we should see a steady recovery, with the exact cadence varying by region.


While the significant stimulus injected into the economy by governments should help speed up the recovery, we expect the shape of the recovery to be more of a ‘swoosh’ than a ‘U’ or ‘V’. Assuming no significant second wave of infections in the fall, we anticipate most sectors and regions will return to a more normalized environment by the end of the year or during the first half of 2021. If that is not the case, we have contingency plans in place and are confident in our ability to manage our existing operations, while also identifying investment opportunities.



Our business is very resilient, and we are actively looking for potential opportunities to grow the portfolio on a value basis. We take a long-term view when analyzing businesses and will not get caught up in the near-term negativity. As we have discussed in the past, we tend to be more cautious when the economic environment is frothy and we look to invest in scale when capital is scarce.

我们的业务非常有韧性,我们正在积极寻找潜在的机会,在价值的基础上增长投资组合。在分析企业时,我们有长远的眼光,不会陷入短期的负面情绪。正如我们过去讨论过的那样,当经济环境存在泡沫时,我们倾向于更加谨慎; 当资本稀缺时,我们倾向于进行规模投资。

To that end, we began investing in the capital markets aggressively in March but have pulled back somewhat in April as the markets quickly recovered. We would describe our current investment posture as optimistically patient. We believe that a large scale, value opportunity will arise over the next 12 months. We are reminded of our experience during the Global Financial Crisis in 2009/2010, when the transformative Babcock and Brown investment (BBI) we made did not present itself to us until almost nine months after the Lehman bankruptcy.

为此,我们在3月份开始大举投资资本市场,但随着市场迅速复苏,我们在4月份有所收缩。我们将当前的投资态势描述为乐观、耐心。们相信,未来12个月将出现大规模的价值机会。这让我们想起了2009/2010年全球金融危机期间的经历,当时我们做出的具有变革意义的Babcock and Brown(BBI)投资是直到雷曼兄弟(Lehman)破产近9个月后才出现在我们面前的。

We passed on many opportunities before the right one came along. Our situation is vastly better today than when we executed the BBI transaction. Our market capitalization is approximately 15X greater, we have a committed infrastructure fund to invest alongside that is approximately 20X larger, and our sector and geographic expertise and scale is greater. We have a seasoned team focused on identifying transactions, with a particular focus on large scale, value opportunities in the transport, energy and utilities sectors.


On behalf of the Board and management of Brookfield Infrastructure, we thank all our unitholders and shareholders for their ongoing support. We wish you and your families continued health during these most unsettling and challenging of times.
