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回复@坚信价值: 哈哈,罗姆尼果然拿A123说事了。

“A123的破产是奥巴马的灾难性的新能源策略的又一大失败,赌输纳税人几十亿美元在政府支持的无效的增长策略上。” (好难翻译,还是自己看吧。)

“A123’s bankruptcy is yet another failure for the president’s disastrous strategy of gambling away billions of taxpayer dollars on a strategy of government-led growth that simply does not work,” Andrea Saul, a Romney campaign spokeswoman, said in an e-mailed statement yesterday.//@坚信价值:回复@Ricky:#又是奥巴毛#多次视察过的企业哦。WSJ今天在耻笑他2010年给A123打电话时的讲稿。

下一个破灭的电池企业估计是$Polypore International (PPO)$了,也是领导视察过的。36%的流通股都给借去做空了。

今天辩论估计罗姆尼估计又要揶揄他了:President Obama, you don't just picked winners and losers, you picked the losers. (“奥巴总统,你(的新能源政策)不只是光挑赢家输家啊,你是专挑了输家。[哈哈])
2012-10-17 02:09
北京时间昨晚10点,A123$A123 Systems(AONE)$签署破产协议。