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$海正药业(SH600267)$ Stanford researchers to assess favipiravir in Covid-19 outpatients


The drug has already secured approval for treating Covid-19 in Russia, China and India. Credit: Jernej Furman.

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Researchers at Stanford Medicine in the US are starting a clinical trial to evaluate oral favipiravir for reducing symptoms and viral shedding in people with Covid-19.

Starting 6 July, the team will recruit 120 participants who have been recently diagnosed but not been hospitalised with the viral disease.

Favipiravir is originally approved in Japan to treat influenza. It is now expected to effectively mitigate the severity of symptoms and shorten the duration of Covid-19.

Stanford Medicine clinical professor Aruna Subramanian said: “We hope that this drug can help to reduce transmission within families, groups and school. Plus, it would be really nice to have pills that can be given early on to make people get better faster.”

Yet to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the drug is being assessed in others trials in the country. However, this double-blind, placebo-controlled trial is the first study to involve Covid-19 outpatients.

The drug has already secured approval for treating Covid-19 in Russia, China and India.

Stanford Medicine infectious disease clinical associate professor Marisa Holubar said: “These early-phase studies are important to inform larger clinical trials. We need to understand if favipiravir shortens the duration of viral shedding. It could be a key to protecting both ourselves and the broader community.”


2020-07-05 20:29

斯坦福大学临床教授Aruna Subramanian说:“我们希望这种药物可以帮助减少家庭,团体和学校之间的传播。另外,早日服用可使人们更快康复的药也将是非常不错的。”
斯坦福大学传染病临床副教授玛丽莎·霍卢巴尔(Marisa Holubar)表示:“这些早期研究对于扩大大型临床试验的重要性。我们需要了解favipiravir是否可以缩短病毒脱落的持续时间。这可能是保护我们自己和整个社区的关键。”

2020-07-06 00:50


2020-07-05 22:01


2020-07-05 22:00
