发布于: 雪球转发:1回复:1喜欢:0

one of the biggest advice Pep told me is …… He used to tell me it's the loneliest profession, when you close that door, it's only you and your worries and your issues and your decisions. They're always there. I don't regret one bit about the decisions I made. Every difficult moment is making me a better person or more professional.

In this industry, respect is not unconditional. Respect is only determined by results. People start to blame quickly. And sometimes, they see a manager in a way that is not realistic. I suffer. I have feelings. I have kids. I make mistakes. I cry. I laugh. Inside that person, there is somebody else that is dealing with something as well, that is not immune to what is happening.

 I think it's a really thin line between confidence and complacency. And winning is something, deserving to win is a different thing. And performing to the level that we want is a completely different thing.  


2022-11-03 13:12
