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2010年07月09日 05:09每日经济新闻【大 中 小】 【打印】 共有评论0条
每经记者 肖芬 发自上海



Both Block and Regan lived in Shanghai, graduates of the University of Southern California who had become close friends after bonding over USC football. On this blustery day in January 2010, they were on their way to visit a small, New York Stock Exchange–listed company, Orient Paper, at the behest of Block’s father, William Block, who ran his own Los Angeles investment firm, WAB Capital. The older Block analyzed microcap companies and, if he liked them, published bullish research for a clientele of hedge funds and other money managers. The rub was that WAB got paid by the company — not investors — with warrants or restricted stock for the research and for introducing management to his investor clients. Some called him a stock promoter.

Block himself at the time was bleeding cash — he was majority owner and manager of a struggling self-storage company in Shanghai and could ill afford the time and expense of this trip to He Bei.
2017-03-25 10:04


2017-03-25 11:51
