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$法拉利(RACE)$ 今晚财报,期待[流鼻血][流鼻血][流鼻血][流鼻血]


2023-08-02 19:10

$法拉利(RACE)$ Net revenues of Euro 1,474 million, up 14.1% versus prior year, with total shipments of 3,392 units substantially flat versus Q2 2022, in line with plans for the yearAdjusted EBITDA of Euro 589 million, up 31.9% versus prior year Adjusted EBIT of Euro 437 million, up 35.4% versus prior year Adjusted EBITDA margin of 40.0% and Adjusted EBIT margin of 29.7% in the quarterAdjusted net profit of Euro 334 million and adjusted diluted EPS at Euro 1.83Industrial free cash flow generation of Euro 138 million