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$恐慌指数做多-iPath(VXX)$ @美国第一证券@交易小助手 @雪球问问 請問為何我在雪球上看到的實盤交易恐慌指數為亂碼?


2017-08-23 23:10

reverse split 4:1


VXX Reverse Split Number 5—August 23rd, 2017

Updated: Aug 22nd, 2017 | Vance Harwood |@6_Figure_Invest

Barclays has announced that it will reverse split VXX 4:1 for the 5th time August 23rd, 2017

For a security doomed to decrease in value over time Barclays’ VXX does amazingly well.  Its volume averages over 50 million shares per day and its assets under management have stayed around $800 million to $1.5 billion for the last couple of years.  Not bad for a product that has averaged a 58% annual loss since its inception in January 2009. This works out to an average loss of almost 7% per month. See “Volatility Fund Monthly and Year Decay Rates” for a chart showing how these losses have varied over time.

2017-08-23 23:10

可能因为今rreverssplitt 4合1 数据暂时有点乱