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Northrop Grumman: Details on Air Force contract for the Long Range Strike Bomber - $511 mln per aircraft and $  21.4 bln in engineering, manufacturing, and development costs (in 2010 dollars)  (180.60 +0.31)Contract composed of two parts: 1) Procurement - $511 mln per aircraft in 2010 dollars ($  564 mln in 2016 dollars), and 2) Engineering and Manufacturing and Development Phase - $21.4 bln in 2010 dollars

Boeing and Lockheed Martin (LMT) issue joint statement after losing out on the U.S. Air Force’s Long Range Strike-Bomber contract to Northrop Grumman (NOC)  (223.04 +2.10)"The Boeing and Lockheed Martin team is disappointed by today&# 39;s announcement. We will have further discussions with our customer before determining our next steps. We are interested in knowing how the competition was scored in terms of price and risk, as we believe that the combination of Boeing and Lockheed Martin offers unparalleled experience, capability and resources for this critically important recapitalization program."

Northrop Grumman confirms it was selected by the U.S. Air Force as partner on long-range strike bomber  (180.60 +0.31)The U.S. Air Force has selected Northrop Grumman to deliver the nation&# 39;s new Long-Range Strike Bomber (LRS-B). This selection continues the company&# 39;s 35-year partnership with the Air Force in providing the world&# 39;s most advanced long-range strike systems.


2015-10-28 10:56

$军工B(SZ150182)$ $军工分级(SH502003)$   提示过了啊!美国远程打击有消息!A股军工有异动