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Martin Scorsese的电影《华尔街之狼》将在今年秋天上映,这将使电影爱好者们对能够摧毁金融界的腐败和穷奢极欲有一个风样化的一瞥。



【TOP 10】

'The Rise and Fall of Jon Corzine.&# 39; Corzine went from top dog at Goldman Sachs to a senator and governor to seeing his firm MF Global collapse in spectacular fashion.



【TOP 9】

'The Collapse of Bear Stearns.&# 39; The top brass at Bear were known for their wild boys club, but it all came crashing down when JP Morgan almost bought the bank for $2 a share as the market crashed.



【TOP 8】

'Icahn v. Ackman.&# 39; Undoubtedly the greatest CNBC segment of all time, what began as a fight over Herbalife stock quickly devolved into an ad hominem spat for the ages.

《Icahn vs Ackman》无疑这是全美广播电台历史上最伟大的口水战,两人从对康宝莱股票的争论迅速变成对于年龄的人身攻击




【TOP 7】

'The Millionaire Madam.&# 39; Upper East Side madam Anna Gristina went to jail and has not released her little black book of Wall Street clients — did she cut a deal?

《百万富翁太太》上东城夫人Anna Gristina被送进了监狱,并且还未公布她华尔街客户的电话簿,难道她还没有达成协议么?


【TOP 6】

'The London Whale.&# 39; JP Morgan's $ 6.2 billion trading loss was an embarrassment to the firm last year and heads rolled.

《伦敦鲸》摩根大通在去年62亿美元的损失是这家公司的巨大尴尬,而且这并未结束【请教这里heads rolled.的解释】

主演:比尔·普尔曼(Jamie Dimon)  埃迪·法可(Ina Drew)

【TOP 5】

&# 39;The Falcones: The Phil and Lisa Story.' Lisa once told Vanity Fair that her husband was "the American Dream." Both came from nothing, and could lose a lot as Phil fights with the SEC.


主演:威廉·菲德内尔(Phil) 梅根福克斯(Lisa)

【TOP 4】

&# 39;The Natural: The Tale of Lenny Dykstra." He went from professional baseball star to celebrity investor to jailbird.



【TOP 3】

'Madoff.&# 39; Mr. Ponzi Scheme himself.



【TOP 2】

"Gould Rush." Robber baron Jay Gould tried to corner the gold market, causing the "Black Friday" of 1869. The scandal rocked the Ulysses S. Grant administration.



【TOP 1】

'Safra.&# 39; Billionaire Edmond Safra died in a fire in 1999, and his male nurse was charged with arson. The prosecution argued he started the fire in order to stage a rescue before losing control of the blaze

