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回复@端准的股价小兔子: Pfizer (NYSE:PFE) and Moderna (NASDAQ:MRNA) are reportedly in talks with the U.S. government over setting up a possible vaccine program aimed at combatting the spread of the H5N1 virus, also known as avian flu.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary of Pandemic Preparedness Dawn O’Connell said on a call with reporters after market close on Wednesday that the department has been in discussions with both vaccine developers about producing mRNA-based vaccines to protect against avian flu, 网页链接{according to Barron’s.}
O’Connell said negotiations with the vaccine makers are “ongoing” and that the agency was “hoping to wrap this up and have something to say very soon.” She added that HHS has been converting 4.8M doses of avian flu vaccine from the government’s bulk stockpile into finished doses.//@端准的股价小兔子:回复@初心继续:Moderna and Novavax Hope for Early Launch of This Year’s Covid-19 Shots, Despite FDA Delay 请问FDA都没批准呢 谁采购的?炮制新闻吗?
2024-05-23 19:01
3)MRNA获准在Jun 3的ASCO大会上演示三款抗体疫苗。



而且你不是再说COVID吗 贴一个possible 的bird flu干吗?很多公司都在做都是possible 好吗?乱说Covid 疫苗又混淆试听 呵呵

去翻译一下possible啥意思 FDA自己都还在收集数据呢你都定性了 你比FDA还能呢