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$香港兴业国际(00480)$  非常抱歉。我报错料。 下面师兄讲得对, 只是将协议延了一年期。抱歉抱歉。贴上注文:Box 24: The exercise deadline for taking the shares under the option agreement previously entered into by a company controlled by CCM Trust (Cayman) Ltd as trustee of a discretionary trust was changed from 30 Sept 2020 to 30 Sept 2021 in Box 28. Boxes 27 & 32: Those shares are held under certain but not identical discretionary trusts of which Johnson Cha is among the discretionary beneficiary. Box 28: The price depends on the market price on the date of exercising the option.  网页链接香港興業國際集團有限公司&sd=30%2f06%2f2019&ed=30%2f06%2f2020&cid=0&sa1=cl&scsd=30%2f06%2f2019&sced=30%2f06%2f2020&sc=480&src=MAIN&lang=ZH&

以下信息是错误的:(查家6月24日新增持 74,265,090 股(行使认购协议)。  查懋聲最新持股占 54.59%)


2020-06-30 23:29

睇清楚通告,申報原因係將期限由2020/09/30 延到 2021年而已,並非行使