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For the victims who bought tirx on price 95.4-95.6 on 12/04/2021 morning around 10.36 am. we go to
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The US Securities Regulatory Commission (SEC) announced yesterday (April 15, 2021),
Awarded a whistleblower award of more than US$50 million to the joint “whistleblower”
Information provided by the "whistleblower"Alert SEC staff to illegal activities involving highly complex transactions
Without their information, it is difficult to detect these violations
The joint whistleblower provided excellent assistance to SEC staff during the investigation
Including multiple meetings with staff and providing a large number of detailed documents.
The information provided by these people returned tens of millions of dollars to injured investors
Jane Norberg, head of the US Securities Regulatory Commission (SEC) Whistleblower Office, said: “Today’s award is the second largest in the history of the program.,
Reflecting that these joint whistleblowers have made a huge contribution to our ability to recover funds for victims of investors.
"" The SEC has provided over $250 million in rewards to whistleblowers in the first seven months of this fiscal year alone.This shows that the whistleblower is of great value to our law enforcement program
Since the first prize was awarded in 2012,
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has awarded more than $812 million in bonuses to 151 whistleblowers.
All bonus payments are paid by an investor protection fund established by Congress,
The fund’s funding comes from fines paid to the US Securities Regulatory Commission by violators of the securities laws.
If the whistleblower voluntarily provides the original,
Timely and reliable information,
Leading to successful enforcement actions,
The whistleblower may be eligible for rewards.
When the monetary penalty exceeds $1 million,
The whistleblower bonus may range from 10% to 30% of the monetary penalty amount