贼娜贝儿 的讨论

发布于: 雪球回复:5喜欢:3
cost中国业务是有问题的,他们一开始搞中国业务不是因为看好市场,而是台湾的公司人才饱和,为了给管理层创造机会来的上海,这个是他们年报还是某个季度电话会里说的,所以整体扩张速度是很拉垮的,尤其和山姆比。但是耐不住他们整体业务非常solid,我在美国和墨西哥都去过,基本上人满为患,停车场永远排队[笑哭] 尤其在美国高通胀的情况下cost的性价比就是一骑绝尘的


go search "china" in their earnings transcript. Should be in the most recent one/the previous one before that. Not sure what conditions you are refering to but Sam's club is killing it in the China. China's urban layout is massively different form that in the U.S. The key difference is that instead of operaing gigantic warehouse style in suburb suburb, Sam's club is doing semi-warehouse type, smaller but closer to city centers where actually most top-tier middle class lives. My dad has been going to Sam's Club for 3-4 years now and he has zero interest in Costco cuz it's so far away from where we live. Amid other screw ups, the first and foremost one for costco in China is bad location selection. China could have been a great market for them but it's gone now. Sam's club has it.

I never heard the story you mentioned, but I think Chinese market is not easy for $好市多(COST)$ , because the conditions supporting its successful business model don't exist in China.

You are insightful!

What you said vividly reflects the results of lacking the conditions I mentioned. Even Sam will have to face fierce competition in China. It's hard for Sam or Costco to earn extra profits easily in China in the long run. The main reason lies on high density living pattern. People in US live in single house in a great space, while Chinese live in cage-like apartments with high density in a small space. That's the condition that leads to failure of Costco business model.
