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$艾芙隆海湾社区(AVB)$联合$公平住屋(EQR)$斥资65亿美元购买Archstone。AvalonBay联合Equity Residential从雷曼兄弟手中65亿美元现金,附带95亿美元债务购买公寓业主Archstone。AvalonBay将得到40%的资产和负债,Equity Residentia则获得控股权。 AvalonBay, Equity Residential to buy Archstone for $6.5B. AvalonBay (AVB) and Equity Residential (EQR) have joined together to acquire apartment owner Archstone Enterprise from Lehman Brothers (LEHMQ.PK) for $6.5B, plus $9.5B in debt. AvalonBay will get about 40% of the assets and liabilities, and Equity Residential - which tried to gain control of Archstone earlier this year - the rest. Both companies are commencing stock offerings to fund the deal.


2012-11-27 22:21


2012-11-27 22:19
