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译者  王为


US Inflation comment: Still flying high

by Anders Svendsen

Core CPI inflation remains at the highest inmore than 10-years despite cooling momentum.


Core CPI: 0.1% m/m (Nordea: 0.2%, Consensus: 0.2%, previous: 0.3%), corresponding to unchanged core CPI inflation at 2.4%.


CPI YoY: 1.7% (August: 1.7%)


Headline CPI: 0.0% m/m (Consensus: 0.1%, previous: 0.1%), corresponding to unchanged headline CPI inflation at 1.7% y/y.


Core CPI increased slightly less than expected in September, while remaining unchanged at 2.4% y/y. The main culprits of the weaker-than-expected momentum in core CPI was a 1.6% drop in used-car prices during September, while new vehicle costs were down 0.1% and apparel prices fell 0.4%. Headline CPI also increased slightly less than expected and headline CPI inflation is trending lower due to decreasing energy prices.


Goods prices are on the rise


Core CPI has been above or at 2% since March-2018, to a large extent driven by growth in core services prices. However, over the last months core goods prices have clearly increased and now stand close to the highest level since 2012 in year-over-year terms.


Core goods inflation has been structurally low for more than two decades; however, implementation of tariffs has started to become somewhat visible, especially for Photographic equipment, Education and Apparel. Up until now, US consumers have been vastly shielded from higher US tariffs on imported Chinese goods due to a stronger USD. Moreover, tariffs have mainly hit intermediary goods bought by firms and import streams have to some degree been redirected from China to Vietnam and the EU for instance. Figures from the US Census Bureau indicate that Chinese imports were down approximately 15% from the beginning of 2018 until August 2019 whereas imports from the EU during the same period were 13% higher (see the chart below).


However, going forward, the US consumer could get used to increasing goods prices for a prolonged period for the first time since 2012-2013. The main culprit is more tariffs. The latest round of tariffs from September on Chinese imported goods also involve consumer goods. Furthermore, more tariffs are due 1 December, unless a postponement or cancellation is agreed in advance.


Moreover, wage growth is still close to the highest level since 2009. Therefore, service prices could continue to grow around their current rates. Given these factors, we see some inflationary risks over the next quarters.


Higher core inflation will not prevent Fed cuts


Stronger inflationary pressure has also started to appear in Fed’s favourite inflation measure, Core PCE, which hit 1.8% y/y in August. Even if Core PCE converges towards the 2% target over the next months, we don’t expect it to have much implication for monetary policy. Fed has earlier indicated that they would like to see inflation above 2 % for a prolonged period to be in line with its symmetrical 2% target.


More importantly is the contraction among US manufacturers and weaker growth among US non-manufacturers. Therefore, we expect another 25bp rate cut in both October and December with risks tilted towards another cut in 2020. 
