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$利标品牌(00787)$ Lori Nembirkow General Counsel Differential Brands Group Inc. 1231 S. Gerhart Avenue Commerce, CA 90022 Re: Differential Brands Group Inc. Preliminary Information Statement on Schedule 14C Filed July 27, 2018 File No. 000-18926 Dear Ms. Nembirkow: We have completed our review of your filing. We remind you that the company and its management are responsible for the accuracy and adequacy of their disclosures, notwithstanding any review, comments, action or absence of action by the staff. Sincerely, Division of Corporation Finance Office of Beverages, Apparel and Mining


2018-09-12 12:59


2018-09-12 10:43

Lori Nembirkow总法律顾问差异化品牌集团公司1231年S.GerhartAvenue Commerce,CA 90022 Re:Difference Brands Group Inc.2018年7月27日提交的关于附表14C的初步信息陈述第000-18926号文件亲爱的Nembirkow女士:我们已经完成了对您的申请的审查。我们提醒您,公司及其管理层对其披露的准确性和充分性负有责任,尽管工作人员有任何审查、评论、行动或不采取行动。真诚的,公司财务司饮料,服装和矿业

2018-09-12 09:59
