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$德康医疗(DXCM)$ 听力还是太差,最后还是看conf script 抓抓重点。
ceo的发言信息量很大, 大饼画的可圆可圆了。
不过毕竟是大饼是大饼, 覆巢之下岂有完卵,大盘很重要,板块很重要; 现在一味的加仓是不明智的,没有不会调的股票。。


1. Regarding to G5;the G5 mobile system was filed with the FDA in February of this year. We have had excellent dialogue with the agency regarding the G5 mobile filing and we expect to receive FDA approval and launch the G5 mobile system later this year.

2. U.S. new patient growth was exceptional as on a percentage basis, our new patient growth compared to Q1 last year far exceeded our 55% total revenue growth for the quarter.

3. I want to take a moment to acknowledge the outstanding work by our quality and regulatory teams in guiding DexCom through an FDA inspection last week

4. our Android DexCom Follow App is scheduled to be released in early summer.

5. Regarding to SHARE,Since that launch, we've been flooded with phone calls and e-mails regarding the benefits of connectivity and sharing data.

6. Regarding to MARD,we do plan to eliminate fingersticks for all indications, but that will take some time and some more experience

7  Regarding to new margin, The other thing that the Gen 6 platform will offer the company is the ability to expand into other markets, diagnostics for non-insulin using Type 2s, hospitals, pregnancy, even pre-diabetes and obesity.

8. regarding to Dose .Activities related to an insulin dosing plan for our current system continue with the FDA

9. new intergartion parnter, Tandem continues to have discussions with the FDA regarding their integrated system and remains on track for a launch later in 2015.

10. We continue to make progress on the pharmacy benefit front, executing some important contracts this quarter.

11 continue to pursue the legislative path as well as several others paths to make CGM available to this ever-growing and vulnerable Type 1 population。,We've made progress with several Medicaid plans with 10 states now having coverage for CGM and others which have opened up, policy review.


2015-05-01 21:34


2015-05-01 04:20

DXCM 没怎么动