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$药明康德(SH603259)$ Prior to January 1, 2032, with respect to biotechnology companies of concern covered by subsections (f)(2)(A), subsections (a)(2) and (b)(2) shall not apply to biotechnology equipment or services produced or provided under a contract or agreement, including previously negotiated contract options, entered into before the effective date under paragraph (1).



05-15 22:44

说白了 就是法条规定生效日前签署合同仍然有效

@小秘书 为什么现在发帖都不显示在个股主页了?

05-15 18:44

The term ‘‘biotechnology company of concern’’ means (A) BGI, MGI, Complete Genomics, WuXi AppTec, and WuXi Biologics; (B)...