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Mike Schuler 迈克·舒勒     June 26, 2023

With the International Maritime Organization (IMO) set to finalize its strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions shipping next month, Dutch researcher CE Delft has issued a report providing insight into how international shipping can nearly half its emissions by the end of this decade. 国际海事组织(IMO)将于下个月敲定其减少航运温室气体排放的战略,荷兰研究人员CE Delft发布了一份报告,提供了国际航运如何在本十年末将其排放量减少近一半的见解。

So far, IMO Member States have adopted only an Initial Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships, targeting a 50% reduction by 2050 compared to 2008 levels. However, Member States are expected to revise this strategy next month during a meeting of the IMO’s Marine Environmental Protection Committee, known as MEPC 80. A major issue in the revision is not only setting a new 2050 target, but also whether to set targets for 2030 and 2040. 到目前为止,国际海事组织成员国仅通过了《减少船舶温室气体排放初步战略》,目标是到2050年在2008年的基础上减少50%。然而,成员国预计将在下个月举行的国际海事组织海洋环境保护委员会(MEPC 80)会议上修订这一战略。此次修订的一个主要问题不仅是设定新的2050年目标,还包括是否设定2030年和2040年的目标。

So far, delegations have proposed emission reductions between 29-50%, relative to 2008, for 2030 and 50- 96% for 2040. 到目前为止,各国代表团提出2030年的减排幅度为2008年的29-50%,2040年的减排幅度为50- 96%。

To help inform the emission reduction debate, CE Delft has modeled the maximum emissions reduction potential for the shipping sector. What they found was that it is technically possible for international shipping to reduce its emissions by 28-47% by 2030, relative to 2008, but only assuming ships take all possible technical abatement measures available. These measures include the widespread deployment of wind-assisted technology, reducing speeds by 20-30%, and a 5-10% uptake of zero-GHG fuels. Additionally, such a reduction would increase shipping costs by 6-14% on average, relative to business-as-usual (BAU). 为了帮助为减排辩论提供信息,CE Delft建立了航运业最大减排潜力的模型。他们发现,到2030年,相对于2008年,国际航运的排放量在技术上是可能减少28-47%的,但前提是船舶采取了所有可能的技术减排措施。这些措施包括广泛部署风力辅助技术,将速度降低20-30%,以及采用5-10%的零温室气体燃料。此外,相对于正常运营(BAU),这样的降价将使运输成本平均增加6-14%。

The report also found that about half of the emission reductions result from lower speeds and other operational measures, a quarter from wind-assisted propulsion and other technical measures and another quarter from using zero and near-zero-GHG fuels. 该报告还发现,大约一半的减排来自降低速度和其他操作措施,四分之一来自风力辅助推进和其他技术措施,另外四分之一来自使用零或接近零温室气体燃料

As an IMO intersessional working group kicks a week-long meeting this week doing prep-work on the revised strategy, delegates have a lot to consider when considering emissions targets for a sector that transports approximately 90 percent of global trade. 本周,国际海事组织闭会期间工作组召开了为期一周的会议,为修订后的战略做准备工作。代表们在考虑运输约90%全球贸易的行业的排放目标时,有很多需要考虑的问题。

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