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重点: 1、LA四月重箱进口343,689标准箱,连续两个月环比增长。



SAN PEDRO, Calif. – May 18, 2023 – 圣佩德罗,加利福尼亚州- 2023年5月18日- The Port of Los Angeles processed 688,110 Twenty-Foot Equivalent Units (TEUs) in April, down 22% compared to last April, which was one of the busiest on record. 洛杉矶港4月份处理了688,110个20英尺标准箱(teu),与去年4月相比下降了22%,是有史以来最繁忙的月份之一。

 “A cooling global economy, warehouses laden with aging inventory and prolonged West Coast labor negotiations have all contributed to a slowdown in trade,” said Port of Los Angeles Executive Director Gene Seroka. “If economic conditions improve and we get a labor deal in place, that will help improve volume the second half of the year. We are prepared for the next cargo surge, whenever it comes.” 洛杉矶港口执行董事Gene Seroka说:“全球经济降温,仓库里堆满了老化的库存,西海岸劳资谈判旷日持久,这些都导致了贸易放缓。”“如果经济状况改善,我们达成劳工协议,这将有助于提高今年下半年的产量。无论下一次货物激增何时到来,我们都做好了准备。”
Seroka announced the latest data at a media briefing, where he was joined by Alan McCorkle, President and CEO of Yusen Terminals, a marine container terminal at the Port of Los Angeles. McCorkle noted that Yusen is set to receive the first five commercially available zero-emissions top handlers later this year. The battery-electric top handlers, essential to container terminal operations, have been in demonstration mode at the port complex. Seroka在媒体发布会上宣布了最新数据,洛杉矶港海运集装箱码头Yusen Terminals的总裁兼首席执行官Alan McCorkle也加入了他的团队。麦克尔指出,尤森将在今年晚些时候接收首批5台商用零排放顶级处理机。对集装箱码头运作至关重要的电池电动顶部搬运工已经在港口综合设施中进行了示范。

April 2023 loaded imports reached 343,689 TEUs, down 25% compared to the previous year. Loaded exports came in at 88,202 TEUs, a decline of 12% compared to last year. Empty containers landed at 256,220 TEUs, a 23% year-over-year decline. 2023年4月装载进口量为343,689标准箱,同比下降25%。装货出口为88202标准箱,与去年相比下降了12%。空箱吞吐量为256,220标准箱,同比下降23%。

In March 2023, Port of Los Angeles increased 28% over February 2023, and April 2023 cargo was 10% higher than March 2023. 2023年3月,洛杉矶港的货运量比2023年2月增长28%,2023年4月的货运量比2023年3月增长10%

During the first four months of 2023, the Port handled 2,525,204 TEUs, a 29% decline compared to the same period in 2022. Last year was the best four-month start in the Port’s history. 在2023年前四个月,该港口处理了2,525,204个标准箱,与2022年同期相比下降了29%。去年是该港口历史上开局最好的四个月。

 $东方海外国际(00316)$ $中远海控(01919)$ $中远海控(SH601919)$ 


2023-05-20 18:33
