MSC和CMA CGM在Box船队建造竞赛中领先(达飞有可能超过马士基)

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MSC’s phenomenal growth over the past two years has largely been driven by acquisition of second-hand containerships, while rival CMA CGM is the most aggressive charterer of tonnage. 地中海航运过去两年的惊人增长主要是由收购二手集装箱船推动的,而其竞争对手达飞轮船是最积极的租船商。

According to Alphaliner data, MSC has purchased an armada of 306 containerships, with a capacity of 1.2m teu, since August 2020 and, with its newbuild deliveries, will reach a fleet capacity of 5m teu this month, and will shortly thereafter stretch the gap to second-ranked carrier Maersk to more than a million teu. 根据Alphaliner的数据,自2020年8月以来,MSC已购买了306艘集装箱船,运力为120万teu,随着新造船的交付,本月船队运力将达到500万teu,此后不久将与排名第二的航运公司马士基(Maersk)的差距扩大到100万teu以上。

The carrier jumped from a capacity of 1m teu in 2007 to 2m teu in 2011, to 3m teu in 2017 and to 4m teu in 2021, before usurping the long reign of Maersk as the biggest carrier, in January last year. 该航空公司的运力从2007年的100万teu跃升至2011年的200万teu, 2017年跃升至300万teu, 2021年跃升至400万teu,并于去年1月取代马士基(Maersk)成为全球最大的航空公司。

And the Aponte family-led shipping line shows no sign of easing up on its aspiration to dominate global tradelanes. 阿庞特家族(Aponte)领导的航运公司对主导全球贸易航线的渴望丝毫没有减弱的迹象。

“MSC’s growth ambitions will not stop,” said the consultant, noting that the Geneva-headquartered carrier’s fleet will hit 6m teu by the middle of next year. 这位顾问表示:“MSC的增长雄心不会停止。”他指出,到明年年中,这家总部位于日内瓦的航空公司的船队将达到600万teu。

It added: “When the 2M vessel-sharing agreement with Maersk is set to expire, MSC will be well positioned to operate a standalone network with a global reach.” 它补充说:“当与马士基的200万艘船舶共享协议即将到期时,MSC将处于有利地位,可以运营一个具有全球影响力的独立网络。”

And if MSC continues its strategy of eking out the service life of its elderly ships, its capacity could climb to around 6.75m teu by 2025. However, Alphaliner expects MSC’s operating capacity “to level off around the 6m teu mark”. 如果MSC继续其延长老船使用寿命的战略,到2025年,其运力可能攀升至约675万teu。然而,Alphaliner预计MSC的运营能力“将稳定在600万teu左右”。

“MSC is expected to dispose of numerous ageing ships in the sub-8,000 teu class in the coming years, as it strives to increase fuel efficiency and move along its transition to alternative ‘green’ fuels,” said the consultant. 该顾问表示:“随着MSC努力提高燃油效率并向替代‘绿色’燃料过渡,预计未来几年MSC将处理大量低于8000 teu级的老化船舶。”

Meanwhile, containership brokers working on behalf of French carrier CMA CGM are the busiest in the charter market. 与此同时,代表法国达飞轮船公司(CMA CGM)的集装箱船经纪人是租船市场上最繁忙的。

“CMA CGM has been by far the most active charterer since the beginning of the year, with around 120 vessel fixtures concluded, including both extensions and new deals,” said Alphaliner. Alphaliner表示:“自今年年初以来,CMA CGM一直是迄今为止最活跃的承租人,共签订了约120艘船,包括续约和新交易。”

Indeed, a London-based shipbroker told The Loadstar CMA CGM was expressing interest in all open tonnage, as well as enquiring about forward options. 事实上,一位伦敦的船舶经纪人告诉The Loadstar, CMA CGM对所有开放的吨位表示了兴趣,并询问了远期期权。

“It is definitely the most aggressive of the liner companies at the moment, and not afraid to forward-fix for long periods,” said the broker. 该经纪人表示:“它绝对是目前最激进的班轮公司,而且不害怕在很长一段时间内进行前瞻性修正。”

Moreover, CMA CGM, with a current fleet of 621 vessels, with a capacity of 3.5m teu, also has a huge orderbook approaching 1m teu. And it is reported to be negotiating with Asian yards for ten more 24,000 teu ships, which could enable the carrier to leapfrog Maersk to take over the second-largest carrier ranking. 此外,CMA CGM目前拥有621艘船舶,运力350万teu,也有接近100万teu的巨额订单。据报道,该公司正在与亚洲船厂就10艘24000 teu船进行谈判,这可能使该公司超越马士基,成为全球第二大航运公司

“The rumoured orders would see CMA CGM’s newbuilding pipeline jump from 910,000 teu to 1.15m teu, which could potentially see the carrier move past Maersk,” said Alphaliner. Alphaliner表示:“传闻中的订单将使CMA CGM的新造船管道从91万teu跃升至115万teu,这可能使该公司超过马士基。”

$东方海外国际(00316)$ $中远海控(01919)$ $中远海控(SH601919)$ 


2023-05-18 15:04
