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$太辰光(SZ300570)$ $新易盛(SZ300502)$ $东田微(SZ301183)$



DCI/DCN投资,在400G的时代光模块已经达到70%,交换机不到30%。那么意味着800G时代85%?按照这个市场价值转移的逻辑,中际旭创(SZ300308)的市值,远远超过中兴通讯,就是历史的必然。思科投资者交流会高管吐槽 “And the result is that the optics is now becoming a much more signi fi cant portion of the cost. So at 100 gig, it represents about 50% of the cost and at 400 gig and 800 gig, it's well over half the cost approaching 70% of the total cost. And this in fl uences our thinking around optics investment because if we're going to remain relevant for customers who want to buy a whole solution from Cisco, this would include enterprise customers, public sector customers as well as service provider customers. We need to have a full portfolio that includes the optics and the ports.”



Coherent(仅次于中际旭创的全球老二)预计TAM规模从50亿美金(2024)增长到160亿美金,,CAGR 30%。“Cloud data center opportunity forecast to track to $16 bn by 2028. The Cloud Data Center Photonics market is expected to expand at a ~30% CAGR from $4.5 bn in 2023 to $16 bn in 2028, including Intra-Data Center Transceivers (200G-1.6T) expanding from ~$3 bn to ~$9 bn, ZR/ZR+ Modules for DCI (400G-1.6T) expanding from $1.2 bn to $4.5 bn, and Advanced Switching & Transport for Cloud expanding from~$0.5 bn to ~$2 bn.”



大摩分析师终于搞明白了,DGX GB200 NVL7这种大集群系统,“NVDA’s GTC event announced transition from 4 optical ports in a data center to 36 ports for 1.6T capacity, or 18x increase in opportunity for optical transceivers for a fully-loaded system;” 一层铜两层光,光模块的需求要扩大18倍。(造假太高,有没有土豪这样去建,是另外一回事。需要推动光模块降低成本)




03-30 20:00
