The two biggest differences between Lashou and Groupon?

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1) Lashou's margins are under 10%. Groupon's are about 40%. 2) Lashou sells more products than services. Lashou is more like a discount e-commerce retailer--it operates 6 warehouses and 31 distribution stations--than it is a seller of local merchant services.
SEE Lashou IPO Roadshow [SlideShare] | iChinaStock 网页链接 $拉手网(LASO)$ $Groupon(GRPN)$


2011-11-10 07:28

拉手网的slide做的真够差的。1)颜色对比太差。2)最后一节怎么可以叫“conclusion”呢?叫“highlights”贴切的多。3)空洞的词汇用的太多。4)最后还来一张slide “Thank You”。 晕。