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太阳能+储能=电网2.0吗?$贵州茅台(SH600519)$ $昱能科技(SH688348)$ $宁德时代(SZ300750)$ @今日话题 @不明真相的群众 @但斌 @价值at风险 @乐视首席 


60,320次观看 2015年10月2.日





Mateo Jaramillo–特斯拉固定存储主管

Jack Peurach–SunPower EVP产品

Raghu Belur–Enphase副总裁产品和战略

Does Solar + Storage = Grid 2.0?

60,320次观看 2015年10月2日

Solar is getting cheaper, and battery storage seems to be on the same rapid cost reduction curve. Solar and storage – combined with the right software and policies – will be a key part of the electric grid of the future. But there are technical and business challenges as we transition from the Grid 1.0 infrastructure of power plants and power lines to a more distributed Grid 2.0.

What does Grid 2.0 look like? Who pays for it, who owns it, who controls it? As batteries get cheaper, what supporting technologies will be required? Who will provide the software to coordinate the grid with local solar/storage & customer demand? What policy changes will be needed to incentivize utilities, resource providers and customers?

Please join us for a lively panel discussion with solar, storage and utility industry leaders as they describe how their products and services will help build Grid 2.0.

Christopher Johns – PG&E Co. Vice Chairman and former President

Mateo Jaramillo – Tesla Director of Stationary Storage

Jack Peurach – SunPower EVP Products

Raghu Belur – Enphase VP Products and Strategy