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回复@狗肉茶叶蛋: 谁英语好,给我们翻一下这些是什么意思? @坚信价值 

1、There also is a major anti-foreigner thing there, so you have to watch your back especially if you are white. Go google about it before you go. You don't want to fuck around with a Mongolian guy.
2、Ulan Bator is the only Asian city I'd consider moving to full time,great place,great women. Have to agree with nomadicdude about the men there,they can't handle their drink and when drunk they turn into violent dicks. Big powerful lumps they are too so you need to be careful at night.
3、Angry guys, indeed, one "taxi" driver was furious with me after I picked a girl to come to my hotel, overcharge me and was not far from hitting me. My advise also to avoid roaming in the night outside is to arrange for a reliable driver for your stay which will pick you up whenever you call him.
4、Problem with going to venues which do not cater for foreigners is exactly that anti-foreigner attitude, I went for one and was not successful at all, local guys will block you even if the girl is not related to them at all.
5、Yeah, Mongolian guys don't like to see foreigners with Mongolian girls. Three guys jumped me once when I was out with my Mongolia wife
6、just aggresive. They get drunk and like to fight. I'd see one fight every other day walking around at night
7、Any guy that walks around UB with a Mongolian girl is looking to get his ass kicked, very badly. They hate foreigners in general, but foreigners fucking their women even more. I'm with a Mongolian woman, and have a lot of Mongolian friends and I'm still very careful in UB.
8、In any case, making male Mongolian friends, or meeting girls in discrete locations (my hotel room) sounds like a necessity in central Asia... But not that much you can do really -- to get a flag you need to interact with Mongolian girls. Maybe I'll refrain from porking girls publicly.
9、There are several clubs that are frequented by foreigners, so you pretty much can go hang out there, I guess. There still might be some problems, but really, if it's a foreigner friendly place, the girls are hookers. (Of which there are a lot in Mongolia.) I'd be careful coming and going from the club, as alcohol is involved, and some drunk guys might just decide to jump a lone foreigner. I'm going to assume that you don't want to (just) bang hookers, though...
10、The best thing to do is counter that perception - build up your tolerance to vodka (no face-making, either), do whatever crazy shit they do and understand that there's worse ways to die than while doing something really fucking risky in Mongolia. That will earn their respect, if nothing else, and will increase your chances with their women. (Their women really care about masculinity. Perhaps a bit too much...
11、Your best chance with a Mongolian girl is when she's not around other Mongolians.
12、The kind of guy that's going to be visiting Mongolia (probably) is going to be sufficiently masculine (unless you're an auditor or something) to be attractive to a Mongolian girl, but if you're not really a take charge kind of guy, it will erode her respect for you in relatively short order and there can be problems.
13、Most of the Mongolian-White couples I've seen haven't held up because he "isn't strong enough" for her (and also, the guy was punching way above his weight in a fair fight on looks). What they perceive as "masculine" is a higher bar than what most of us would. The other issue is that most Mongolian women have zero interest in a career - virtually all want to be a stay at home mother. (Most women in Mongolia marry and have children in their early 20s.)
14、A lot of Mongolian guys aren't even really interested in their own women. (Ironic, given their Xenophobia.) The couple of Mongolian players I know are the only Asian guys that I know regularly date outside their race.
15、As a reputation, they are very high maintenance as girlfriends and the relationships don't work because they're incredibly demanding that you spend money on them (like a lot of Asian girls) and they're constantly insulting their boyfriend's manhood as a way of pushing buttons.
16、But, their materialism, hot tempers, and wildness rubs a lot of guys the wrong way eventually. You'll definitely need to be a party animal to keep up with most Mongolians and this will exhaust most western guys.
17、They also have a tendency to get fat. I've seen some skinny ones - like all Asians, a certain percentage of them is incapable of gaining any weight, but most tend to get chubby at an early age due to the high carb, high fat diet of meat and milk. Best teeth I've ever seen in Asia, or outside the First World for that matter. (Must be all the milk.)
18、One of the big reasons why I don't plan on visiting Mongolia is because I hear the guys can get legit rowdy
19、They respect strength and courage above all else, and believe that weakness and cowardice is a cancer which must be eradicated. This is why I do not subscribe to western men marrying these women and bringing them to their homeland. Western men will never understand their mind or value system which is deeply rooted.
20、I hear the dudes are big thuggish and looking to start fights with foreigners.
21、I've also heard that Mongolian guys can be a bit xenophobic towards foreigners. This Mongolian girl I know mentioned that it's because some foreign guys try to grope the girls in public, and this may piss the locals off. Not too sure about this.
1、I spent most of my time with Dantes and Chase during my time in Almaty, and we all faced varied levels of aggression from local guys during both the day and at night. As mentioned above, they absolutely can't handle foreigners going anywhere near their women and are extremely protective.
2、These girls are not super easy like South East Asia
3、I have never felt more threatened than I did in Almaty. This includes South America (Brazil). The danger from the local men and police is real. These are not the stereotypical scrawny Asians. These guys are built And aggressive. They can and will fight.
4、You will also get evil stares and possibly have to face aggressive behavior from local guys. Things can escalate quickly, there is a violent undercurrent to it.
5、They don't care about the police or the bouncers. They will fight dirty (weapons) and gang up on you.
6、I'm telling you man, it's all that vodka they drink. It's super cheap ($5 USD for a bottle) and they drink it like water
7、I had a great time, but the one night I went out, I would say I had at least 5-6 "incidents" with the local men which easily could have ended with a fight. They really don't like when you take their women. And, some local Brits told me it's far worse in other parts of Kazakhstan as well.
8、The first incident was when I and a Turkish friend who live there were talking to local girls, and he was bumped by a guy walking to the bar. I thought it was just an accident. But then the guy walked past again, and bumped my friend even harder. The bar staff then came by to thank my friend for not fighting. Incidents like this kept happening, as the local guys were serious cock blocks.
9、The men there protect their women and will cockblock you like crazy. I went out clubbing one night and almost got in 5 fights
10、For run-of-the-mill white guys like myself, expect to have incidents if you are going to hit on their women
11、Search other KZ threads and you will find guys talking about native kazaks talking to shit to them, trying to fight the RVFer, or staring at the RVF walking down the street with his Kazakh date.
12、I have been to over 50 counties, many of them would be considered dangerous by some. Kazakhstan is the only place I have felt danger. The local guys and the police will target you.Having a local wing will provide you with some insulation. I would not recommend going alone to this country, especially if you are white and do not speak Russian fluently.
13、I got full on shoved by a Kazakh dude at a nye party because one girl he was macking on ditched him to talk to me
14、I'm totally with you on the issue of the men in the region not being very welcoming,they can be especially unfriendly when drunk,I had a few minor issues in clubs with them
15、(1)there is no foreigner bonus and it's a modern, somewhat rich place
- (2)it's almost impossible to be flirtatious (or to sexualizing a conversation) at these dates, it's like they all have invented Teflon
- (3)the conversations are usually strikingly boring and it's like watching news when she talks
- (4)even if you can make them comfortable nothing will happen besides hand holding on date one
- (5)I tried different venues and tactics but on date one the most you can get is a kiss (that usually gives you an emotional reaction as if you just kicked her in the stomach)
- (6)it's not easy to motivate yourself to go on date 2,3,4,5 after the usual 2 hour boring conversation, a major 'teflon attitude' and the sheer amount of OTHER hot girls you can see everywhere during the day
- (7)you need to plan at least 3 dates, ideally 4-5 to seal the deal (of course there are exceptions)
- (8)many dates are more like interviews/ interrogations and every bit of your story will be analyzed, the sheer amount of mistrust is just insane
16、Opinions differ, but most PUAs here agree that it's difficult to hook up here. The chicks are mostly traditional and will feck if you promise to marry or after marriage.
17、Kazakh dudes are cool but a foreigner picking up their women can piss some off, boxing, MMA, and wrestling are popular here and guys in general like to fight. Girls may not want to leave venues with a foreigner because of this. You need to be situationally aware when out at night and in a place where guys are drunk.//@狗肉茶叶蛋:回复@forcode:哈哈哈,直击痛点。
2019-07-24 08:33
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