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回复@仓又加错-刘成岗: 我理解在以前产量和交付量都不大的时候,因为产地和销地不匹配,使得欧洲的交付时长比交付国内的要长很多,所以上半个季度产出来海运出去,后半季度集中交付本地,这样截至季度末,持有的现车库存最少,交付量更加接近产量(不会有大量需要递延到下一个季度交付),最重要的是自身的交付团队和第三方的运力都可以承接;而量大起来之后,自身的交付和三方运力都撑不住了,就会出现今年Q3的gap,理论上如果改为你所说的边生产边交付的调整本身需要资本市场重新适应一下;随着1)柏林工厂产能起来,2)季度末已生产未交付量大起来,估计这个交付的节奏/模型会慢慢被优化或者被接受吧。//@仓又加错-刘成岗:回复@莫名其喵:原话是这样的【
Zachary Kirkhorn
Specifically on cars in transit, as noted in our press release on October 2nd, we’ve started to experience limits on outbound logistics capacity which we didn’t anticipate. This issue is particularly present for ships from Shanghai to Europe and local trucking within certain parts of the U.S. and Europe. Our historical operating pattern of batch building by delivery region leads to extreme concentrations of outbound logistics needs in the final weeks of each quarter. Just to put this in perspective, roughly two-thirds of our Q3 deliveries occurred in September and one-third in the final two weeks. As a result, we’ve begun to smooth the regional builds throughout the quarter to reduce our peak needs for outbound logistics. We expect this to simplify our operations, reduce costs and improve the experience of our customers.
正如我们在 10 月 2 日的新闻稿中指出的那样,特别是在运输途中的汽车方面,我们已经开始遇到我们没有预料到的出站物流能力限制。这个问题尤其存在于从上海到欧洲的船舶以及美国和欧洲某些地区的本地卡车运输。我们按交付区域分批建设的历史运营模式导致每个季度最后几周的出境物流需求极端集中。为了正确看待这一点,我们第三季度大约三分之二的交付发生在 9 月,三分之一发生在最后两周。因此,我们已经开始在整个季度平滑区域建设,以减少我们对出站物流的高峰需求。我们希望这能简化我们的运营、降低成本并改善客户的体验。】
“Our historical operating pattern of batch building by delivery region”这是个什么东西,我当时琢磨了半天也不明白,在我的概念里,边生产边交付无论如何都不会导致“extreme concentrations of outbound logistics needs”。
2022-12-06 21:59
$特斯拉(TSLA)$ 12月第一周(11.28~12.04)国内上险量11670辆,比上一周下降4451辆。从数据上来说,我认为是低于预期的。目前来看,即使减产最终没有发生,我认为这种可能也摆上了特斯拉决策层的桌面上。