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$德普科技(03823)$ 现在打开德普的英文网页,是这样的[吐血],估计是愤怒的投资者请了黑客发泄一把。今天法庭文件披露了几家券商向大老板追债,瑞信中金都有份:
(Bloomberg) -- Credit Suisse, CICC and SinoPac Securities made claims against Tech Pro Chairman Li Wing Sang to settle HK$118.2m ($15.2m) of debt after the LED lighting maker’s shares lost most of their value in the wake of a short-seller attack.The claims, shown in writs filed in Hong Kong’s High Court, come after Tech Pro shares fell by a record 86% following short-seller Glaucus Research’s report saying the stock was worthless; Glaucus’ claims were “vigorously denied” by Tech Pro
Credit Suisse’s claim is for HK$79.3m to settle credit facilities entered into in June 2015, a writ filed Sept. 5 shows. CICC’s claim is for HK$11.2m of unsettled debt related to margin account set up in Feb. 2013; writ filed Aug. 31


2016-09-13 19:13


2016-09-13 14:46
