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For all the hours I spend on investment research each week, I’m consistently amazed at how many of my best investment ideas start in the oddest, utterly happenstance ways.

I spent much of this past weekend on decidedly domestic duties. We moved into a new house in February, but between prior commitments and my travel schedule, we hadn’t had time to get everything set up until now. It was amidst the curtain-hanging, box-unpacking, and furniture-moving that an investment idea all but smacked me in the face.

It started when the doorbell rang.

Two brawny men announced they were here to deliver our new couch. This was itself a small miracle. The couch was being custom-made in North Carolina and was not scheduled to be delivered for another five weeks. But here it was. The delivery men brought it inside, unpacked it, assembled it for us, cleaned up, and were gone in less than ten minutes. (I did not manage to hang a single curtain rod in that time.)

Our new couch. The couch, blanket, rug, and lamp are all from West Elm. (The blanket is the softest, most wonderful thing ever.) Note the Annual Reports on the coffee table -- investing never stops!
这是我们的新沙发。沙发、毯子、地毯和灯都是West Elm买来的(毛毯纤软、舒服至极)。看到咖啡桌上的年报了吗?投资这事无时无刻地占据着我的生活!

The speed and service was delightful. Even more so was the early delivery. When was the last time a company delivered something to you five weeks early? The investor in me perked up. Companies that delight their customers tend to take care of their shareholders, too. Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Tesla -- these are all companies that aim to delight customers.

I had to know more about this company.

The name of the company is West Elm. It is a newer, trendy furniture and home decor brand. I’d first learned of it when visiting a friend -- he’s much more stylish than me -- in his swanky Manhattan apartment. Then I started seeing their furniture in other upscale homes. Then, my fiancee -- who also has much better taste than me -- started buying their wares for our home. That’s how the couch came to be in my living room.
公司叫做West Elm,是时尚家居装饰品牌中的后起之秀。在一次拜访一位住在高档曼哈顿公寓的朋友时,我第一次听说这家公司(这朋友要比我前卫得多)。随后,我在其他高档住宅中都留意到了这家公司的家具。接着,我的未婚妻(她的品味要高出我很多)也开始从那儿买东西,这个提前到我们客厅的沙发就是其中之一。

A West Elm store in Birmingham, Alabama. (Not where we live.)
一家位于阿拉巴马州伯明翰的West Elm零售店(我们并不住在那个区域)

I looked up West Elm. It’s a private company. No public stock to investigate. I looked at the shipping label for the couch. It was marked “Delivery By Pottery Barn.” Pottery Barn is another home decor brand. I remembered that Pottery Barn is owned by $Williams-Sonoma(WSM)$ . I pulled up Williams-Sonoma’s 2015 Annual Report. Bingo! Sure enough, Williams-Sonoma owns West Elm.
我研究了下West Elm,这是家私有公司,没有上市交易的股票可供研究。我看了下沙发的运输标签,上面写着“由Pottery Barn运送”。Pottery Barn是另一家饰品牌,我记得它是$Williams-Sonoma(WSM)$ 所持有。于是,我调出了Williams-Sonoma的2015年报,原来如此!Williams-Sonoma也持有West Elm。

Now we’re in business. I started digging into Williams-Sonoma. The business is impressive. It’s a gourmet kitchen and upscale furniture retailer with over 10% operating margins. That’s rare, especially in the days of Amazon.com. Williams-Sonoma’s strategy centers around developing specialized, high-end brands that paint a picture of a way of life that appeals to more affluent -- or aspirationally affluent -- consumers. They’re very skilled at this. West Elm is their latest creation; they’ve grown West Elm sales by 14.8% in 2015, and that was on top of 18.2% growth the year before. In this industry, same-brand sales of 5% would be very strong. Double-digits are nearly unheard of.
这下就对了,我开始深入研究Williams-Sonoma。它的运作状况很不错,作为一家厨房和高档家具零售商,它的营业利润高达10%之多。在一个亚马逊主导的时代下,这样的业绩实属罕见。Williams-Sonoma的策略是集中发展专业高端品牌,吸引富有的或者力争致富的客户群。这家公司在这方面一直做得很好,West Elm是它们最新的品牌,2015年底其销售额继前年的18.2%又增长了14.8%。在这个行业中,同一品牌销售额增长能有5%就不错了,两位数的增长实属罕见。

But what really caught my attention is Williams-Sonoma’s e-commerce strategy. Most furniture brands have struggled to transition online. Furniture is something people want to see and touch in person. Asking customers to shelling out $ 3,000 for a couch without seeing it first is a tough proposition. Yet Williams-Sonoma is doing just that. Online sales are growing more than triple the pace as in-store sales, and they carry more than double the margins. Start doing the math and you’ll see how much room this business has left to run.

My research into Williams-Sonoma is not complete. I typically spend about 40 hours researching a stock before I decide to buy it. I’ll call management and ask them questions. I’ll probably interview the managers of my local West Elm and Pottery Barn stores. I’ll listen to the conference call transcripts and build a valuation model. There’s still much to do.
我对Williams-Sonoma的研究还在继续。我一般在决定买一个股票前都会集中花上40小时去研究下,我还会给管理层打电话问一些问题。我很可能也会打给当地的West Elm和Pottery Barn的经理,并且听下他们电话会议记录,再建立自己的估值模型。其实还有很多任务要完成。

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Disclosure: Neither Alex Pape, CFA nor iWaitou owns shares of any company mentioned.


2016-04-20 18:28
