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1. While Nvidia is by far not as expensive as Cisco was during the peak of the dot.com bubble, Nvidia Corporation is pricey. That being said, business growth does not necessarily translate into share price gains in the near term -- investors that bought Cisco Systems (CSCO) during the dot.com bubble will know that for sure.

虽然 Nvidia 的股价远没有思科在互联网泡沫高峰时期那么昂贵,但也不便宜,考虑到该公司的增长及其强大的市场地位,这并不算离谱,但历史上Nvidia 的估值并不总是这么高。业务增长并不一定会在短期内转化为股价上涨--在互联网泡沫期间买入思科系统公司(CSCO)的投资者肯定深有体会。


2. Unlike product sales where revenue is recognized when the product has been shipped (transfer of control) to customers, part of Nvidia's data center revenues could be software licenses where revenues are recognized upfront, even though payment and deliverables could be at a later date。Historically, bad debts have been very low for Nvidia, since products and cash changed hands almost at the same time. Going forward, if the "AI revolution" experiences any downturns and some of the Nvidia's customers become financially stressed, we may see Nvidia having to take provisions and charge-offs against its "accounts receivables,"

这个季度的应收款明显上升,有部分软件授权收入是先确认收入后分期支付。假如AI应用迟迟不落地,这部分软件应收款可能产生一些write off坏账。

这个我觉得不太makesense,因为软件收入全年才10亿美金(且有些是Ominiverse),无法解释这么高的应收增加。且应收turn over变化不大,更多还是业务增长太快导致。(有更多insight的小伙伴欢迎私信进群交流)

3. Nvidia funding startups that in turn acquire massive quantities of Nvidia GPUs financed by loan·s collateralized by said GPUs may be perfectly legal, it does optically create potential conflicts of interest. In fact, some may even argue this practice is reminiscent of the off-balance sheet entities used by Enron to illegally boost its revenues

投资一堆start up如CoreWeave,然后融资现金转一圈回来买卡,被认为是一种表外加杠杆虚增收入。

这个体量其实很小倒也不至于,但这些创业公司自己拿卡去抵押贷款,再去买卡的行为的确是在给存量市场加杠杆 ,这不仅像茅台,还像ETH 1.0时期的矿机,一旦周期扭转就是螺旋向下了。当然说到底这部分体量还不大,持续观察。

4. Although Nvidia believes the decline in Chinese revenues will be more than offset by growth in other jurisdictions, China accounted for 20-25% of Data Center revenues for Nvidia in the past few quarters, so the new licensing requirements for the export of high-end Nvidia GPUs to China could prove to be a major headwind for the company in the coming years.


这个问题似乎从10月新规更新之后就开始消化,造成了大概5-10%的波动,然后就是400到500的反弹。说实话可能已经不是主导股价中长期的核心因素。从上上个季度投资者已经开始担心china double booking,从10月新规更新算是加速消化,这次体现在earning guidance中似乎到了消化尾声了。剩下是阉割版的出货时间分歧。尤其是新加坡rev segment的暴增证明,不仅可以洗钱,还可以“洗卡”。咱们群里竟然有小伙伴都在搞这事,可见多么普遍,多了就不说了。

5. the company now faces mounting competitive threats that create uncertainty about its ability to maintain premium market share over the long run. Major players like Microsoft Corporation (MSFT), Huawei, and emerging startups like Tigris (potentially) may erode Nvidia's leadership position in key product categories.Nvidia arguably deserves above-average multiples given its innovation track record and exposure to secular growth tailwinds in areas like AI and cloud infrastructure. However, current prices extrapolate a rosy scenario of unchecked market dominance that underestimates risks from new competitive dynamics.OpenAI CEO Sam Altman's Tigris project could represent a significant shift in Nvidia's market dynamics. With his intention to spin up an AI-focused chip company capable of producing semiconductors to compete against Nvidia, a notable stir in the market is anticipated. Theendeavoris still in its nascent stages, but with Altman's reputation and the potential backing from heavyweight investors and OpenAI employees, the impact on Nvidia's market share could be substantial.


