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$粉笔(02469)$ $Chegg(CHGG)$ 这两在AI 自动答案上都有很多投入呢,这个东西有利于公司和学生在成本上的削减,而且未来提供给更多的学生更多个性化的服务。不知道AI在教育上的改变是不是就是体现在这些地方。
In less than a year, we redesigned our entire user experience, developed our own large language models, launched automated answering, built proprietary algorithm to optimize the quality and accuracy of our exclusive content, and we began to compete more aggressively for new customers around the world.
While early, our packaging, pricing and product strategy are yielding encouraging results for both students and our business. The process of embedding AI into every facet of Chegg's platform is ongoing and iterative as we build a truly personalized learning assistant, a service that anticipates the student needs, adapts to their strengths and weaknesses and supports them academically, professionally and personally. There are numerous ways we intend to aggressively market our new product experience because the data tells us that once the student tries us, they will love us.
Internationally, we focused our biggest effort on testing promotional pricing to convert the millions of students who have entered the funnel but did not yet subscribe. Additionally, we are building sharing into our service to increase word of mouth, expanding our presence on TikTok, enhancing our SEO with increased questions from automated answers.
Our business model benefits from more students asking more questions as we index those questions into search and other platforms to drive even more customers. Let me provide a little context. Since introducing automated answers in late December, we've seen a significant increase in the number of students asking new questions, as well as the number of questions per student. This is because our new automated service is delivering quality and accuracy, almost immediately, which is a huge benefit to students by building our own language models, along with our algorithms to check for quality.
Students can feel confident in what they are learning on Chegg and get support in real time. The impact has been immediate and significant. In January, Chegg's automated answers delivered more than 2.2 million solutions to students, which is 3 times the number of new questions asked and answered at the same time last year.
Importantly, as we scale to ensure we meet our standards of accuracy and quality, we expect to launch the rest of our proprietary models by the end of Q1. These models are being trained on Chegg's data, and we are leveraging our 150,000 subject matter experts to optimize their solutions for learning.
In education, students cannot afford the illusion of accuracy to learn. They need it to be correct, immediate and personalized. We believe this is what Chegg can uniquely do for students and it's a huge competitive advantage over generic AI models. The overall benefit of our new service to students is enormous, and there's also significant benefits to Chegg.


06-18 15:46


06-18 17:46
