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$NuScale Power(SMR)$ 做小型核反应堆的公司,还在研发状态,没有完全商业化,不过可以关注下

electrification of the transportation, building, technology, and industrial segments is contributing to a so-called land grab. As the electric power industry prepares for a tripling of U.S. demand by 2050. This comes into even greater focus when you consider that the U.S. is on track to close half of its coal-fired generation capacity by 2026, just 15-years after it reached its peak in 2011. The retirement of such baseload power, largely replaced by renewables, are making grids increasingly vulnerable to intermittency. Reinforcing and expanding the power grid remains an important opportunity for NuScale.

NuScale’s Founder and Chief Technology Officer, started his pioneering work developing SMR Technology, few could have anticipated the growth and demand for sustainable base load 24/7 carbon-free energy driven by power usage amongst data centers and AI, major industrial projects, transportation, and utility customers.Today, as seen on slide three, we have invested more than $1.8 billion to develop the sole small mod reactor or SMR, nuclear technology approved by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission or NRC. No other technology developer, as we know, even has a design certification application under review. And this process requires several years and many hundreds of millions of dollars of investment. Looking ahead, our principal objective at NuScale is on transitioning from R&D to the commercialization of our proprietary technology. In this effort, we have engaged with our commercial partner, Inter One Energy, to build a diverse global pipeline and deploy new-scale SMR-enabled plants worldwide. Additionally, with the investment and expertise of our strategic partners, we have derisked the manufacturing supply chain, while maintaining scope for localization of certain supplies.