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$美国铝业(AA)$ 相当于AA和ALUMINA是同一个母公司分离出来的,然后现在AA吸收合并了ALUMINA,Aa占比69%.,哈哈为啥要这么倒腾一下,大概是资本结构和股东结构变化了。在澳大利亚发了CDIs,不知道这个是什么东西,晚点看看。今年能盈利吗?

In the near term, three to five years, and I consider that the near term. We're really focused on incremental growth opportunities in the company. So we have two restarts on the smelting side that are ongoing. The smelter restart down in Brazil, the smelter restart in Indiana. We have an incremental creep project that will add a few hundred tons per day down in Brazil in the refinery.