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$Brookfield再生能源(BEP)$ 23Q3:

On our acquisition of Westinghouse Electric, we recently received all required regulatory approvals and expect to close the transaction early next week. With this acquisition, we are adding a leading provider of mission-critical technology services and products to the nuclear industry from a business that generates infrastructure-like cash flows, servicing approximately half the global nuclear fleet. Approximately 85% of Westinghouse's revenues come from long-term contracted or highly recurring customer service provision with nearly 100% customer retention rate.

Nuclear power is a reliable zero-carbon technology that supports the growth of renewables by providing critical baseload power to our grid and is essential to a net zero economy in our view. Since our announced acquisition, we have seen a resurgence in the growth of outlook for nuclear with several new builds being announced, a number of which where new contracts awarded to Westinghouse, providing opportunities for growth for Westinghouse's engineering and design business as well as its services business, none of which was underwritten in our acquisition.

Westinghouse is also capturing growth in its core business, winning contracts to service almost all of the operating nuclear plants in Eastern Europe, which have historically been served by Russian providers. With the close of this acquisition, we are adding a business which yields double-digit FFO based on highly visible and reliable cash flows.


轻舟也可渡狂潮2023-11-06 03:41

是的,BEP最喜欢的这种ultility 企业,说是稳定无风险的我觉得最难评估,最难评估的就是看不到的风险。
现在博风的质疑大部分还是对于他们的管理层的质疑,不是能力的质疑。 投资他们更多就像买一个基金,如果不喜欢,就不要做了。毕竟人家被比作是第二个巴菲特的。

HenryX1e2023-11-05 09:22

现在的西屋电气主要做核电站维护,85%的收入基于长期合同,客户留存率接近100%。核电的特点是清洁、稳定,与未来能源发展趋势相符。西屋电气未来收入增长来源于为新建核电站提供设计和维护服务。现在BEP收购的价格对应10%+ FFO yield,即使不增长也可以提供稳定的现金流,还可以通过再融资套现资金去投其他项目

轻舟也可渡狂潮2023-11-05 07:34
