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$网秦(NQ)$ 有什磨看法吗?
Purely my speculation -- the reason Muddy Water issued that short report was at the request of the following-mentioned Short Fund(s). My guess was because the NQ's PPS kept appreciating to ~$25 until Oct/2013 and those Short Funds could not tolerate loss any more. So, they resorted to Muddy Water for distorting NQ. If this makes sense, it does mean those Short Funds do have pressure to cover at one point.

(Got from the Yahoo MB):
...believe that this short hedge fund is based in Hong Kong and is the original hedge fund short NQ back in June-July 2013 when NQ had around 9 million shares short. This hedge fund never covered and is letting it ride because it doesn't have the money to cover and is not being forced to cover. I know it doesn't make sense but the core of 9 million short shares balance has been there when NQ went from $8, up to $25 and all the way down to $8, and never covered. I have been on this message board for around 10 months now, and have said many times that NQ needs a company buyout offer from a Baidu, Alibaba, or Tencent to force the shorts to cover because all of the good, positive news in the last year hasn't forced the shorts to cover below the 9 million short shares. People have been expecting a short squeeze for the last 10 months, but it never seemed to materialize.


2014-02-14 09:51

如果这个小fund 始终没有cover, 到最后还不起钱咋办?

2014-02-14 06:12

那个恶庄被清盘是迟早的事。拖到现在它还是没办法cover,自己squeeze自己?下不了手,那就等着华尔街的大鳄吧,迟早闻到血腥味的。算一千万股吧,每股十块就是一个亿美金。Bill Ackman在HLF上与索罗斯对决也就是亏了五个亿而已。多头们要不给索罗斯发个邮件?

2014-02-14 02:54

agreed, but it really doesn't matter right now. I don't think only one hedge fund short/shorted nq. Talked to some friends at hedge funds firms, their views to nq are varied.
I hold nq all the back since its ipo. Feel and see her growth. It's never easy for nq to come this far. I believe company will get over this hard time as they did prior their ipo...i can not project very very long term, doesn't work well in this changing market. But i do see nq at this level still has quite protentials.

2014-02-14 01:58

short squeeze时机还没到,audit report clean之后就应该开始

2014-02-14 01:52
