用户7515040847 的讨论

发布于: 雪球回复:12喜欢:0


2013-12-23 00:57



2013-12-11 15:11

BOBO的爸爸 你在哪里的哦?24小时都不用睡觉的。

哦,其实,就是Sunnyfire之前的总结。还有就是FAB说,二三季度的财报不算了,将重新汇报。而且,董事会已经授权第三方审计来审核。大体就是这些事情。后来在美国证监会网站又发表了一个声明(网页链接), 就是估计了下发债对之前的财报大体上对数据有哪些影响。也是英文,但你只要看里面的数据,应该能猜到,就是净收入高估了。

2013-12-11 13:36




FAB Universal responds to fraud allegations, uncovers "deficiencies in the Company's internal controls" • 11:55 AM

FAB Universal (FU) discloses it has "uncovered certain deficiencies in the Company's internal controls" after a preliminary internal review undertaken at the direction of its board in response to "numerous published reports ... by acknowledged short-sellers." The board has authorized the hiring of an independent third party to verify the findings.

The review determined that one of FAB's VIEs "conducted a $16.3M bond offering in China which was not reflected on the Company's financials," as has been alleged by Alfred Little. The company notes none of the funds have been used by FAB to date. FAB will restate its Q2 and Q3 reports to reflect the liability and interest expense.

As to allegations that the company has exaggerated its kiosk count, the board states that "short sellers have a fundamental, but understandable, misunderstanding of the economics of the Company's business. FAB does not buy, sell or own kiosks. Instead, it sells licenses to operate Intelligent Media kiosks ... As of September 30, 2013, 16,820 licenses have been sold, of which 3,954 have been issued for the placement of kiosks in Beijing; all of the 3,954 kiosks in Beijing have been deployed." The board has also re-verified 12,866 licenses thus far and will continue with the remaining licenses.

The company also responds to allegations that kiosk licenses carry minimum guarantees by noting that a review of 75% of contracts "has not identified any instances of a minimum guarantee."

As to pirated content, FAB will examine its content control processes and implement "any measures deemed necessary to tighten controls."

Shares remain in a T1 halt.

2013-12-11 12:41


不知道。但现在就是报表上重做,不用像$网秦(NQ)$ 那样把钱打到外国银行账户,暂时只是对于收入有略微影响。我感觉形式好像没有之前估计的那么严重吧?

2013-12-11 09:08
