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$梅西百货(M)$ 今晚股票要飞。如果管理层不能振兴股价,那就接受别人的收购要约,下岗走人。有好戏看。上周五double down 了。


01-22 11:07


03-01 01:11

不会卖 梅西的价值不是卖百货 是它的地皮

01-26 09:21

据《纽约邮报》周四报道,私募股权公司 Sycamore Partners 至少从 12 月下旬开始就一直在商谈将梅西百货纳入其庞大的零售投资组合,其中包括 Ann Taylor、Loft 和 The Limited。纽约邮报》没有报道该交易的任何财务条款。
这一消息距梅西百货拒绝私募股权公司 Arkhouse 和 Brigade Capital 主动提出的 58 亿美元收购要约不到一周时间,梅西百货认为该要约未能为股东带来令人信服的价值。该收购要约于 12 月初提出,梅西百货的估值为每股 21 美元,比当时的价格溢价 32%。
Sycamore 拒绝对此发表评论,也拒绝证实该报道。
Macy's stock surged Thursday morning following a report that the company may be fielding a new takeover bid just days after rejecting another offer.
Private-equity firm Sycamore Partners has been in talks to add Macy's to its sizable retail portfolio -- which includes Ann Taylor, Loft, and The Limited -- since at least late December, the New York Post reported Thursday. The Post didn't report any financial terms of the deal.
The news comes less than a week since Macy's turned down an unsolicited $5.8 billion bid from private-equity firms Arkhouse and Brigade Capital, arguing the bid failed to provide compelling value for shareholders. That offer, made in early December, valued Macy's at $21 a share, representing a 32% premium to the price at the time.
Sycamore declined to comment, and to confirm the report.