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回复@京城彰德公: 都是英文,根本看不懂啊//@京城彰德公:回复@牛牛兴旺ex:有消息呀 您看看这个
Santa Cruz, CA, Mar 05, 2024 — Joby Aviation, Inc. (NYSE:JOBY), a company developing electric air taxis for commercial passenger service, today announced it has acquired an existing facility at Dayton International Airport and begun hiring in support of the Company’s initial manufacturing operations in Dayton, Ohio.
The facility acquired by Joby will be fitted out to support initial manufacturing operations in Dayton, which are expected to begin later this year. The facility will be used for the manufacturing of aircraft parts in support of Joby’s Pilot Production Line in Marina, California.
2024-06-29 00:10
本文认为,亿航智能的股价虽然已经历经较大下跌,但由于存在“虚、短、穷、水、假五大难题,仍然存在较大的下跌空间。本文只代表本人的投资看法,基于公开市场信息,并不构成投资建议,也并不具有任何特殊消息。欢迎大家批评指正、理性探讨。本人也衷心祝愿亿航智能越办越好。#亿航智能# #低空经济...