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WHO在《 Report on the scientific basis of tobacco product regulation》中阐述了对新型烟草的观点。在这份300多页的报告中,“管制”是显而易见的头号关键词,“regulation”出现了近500次。就WHO在管制方面的力度而言,对ENDS相对温和,对HTP较为强硬,有点儿“嫉恶如仇、冤家路窄”的感觉。

一、     ENDS

(一)ENDS可能有助于烟民戒烟但层出不穷的产品和千奇百怪的口味会诱惑从未吸烟的人群开始使用ENDS,同时导致烟民同时使用ENDS和传统烟草。(Although some evidence suggests that ENDS may help some smokers to replace conventional cigarettes, dual use of ENDS with combustible cigarettes and the increasingly common initiation of ENDS use among previously nicotine-naive individuals raise clear public health concern)

ENDS liquids contribute to initiation and maintenance of ENDS use among previously nicotine-naïve individuals. They may also be attractive for smokers who want to quit cigarettes)

(三)目前没有既能协助烟民戒除传统烟草,又能限制对未吸烟者诱惑的ENDS方案。这是未来的工作内容之一。(The profile of nicotine emission and delivery from ENDS that would be most likely to achieve cessation of conventional smoking, ideally while also reducing the abuse liability of ENDS among nicotine-naïve individuals, is not known)


1、禁售开放式ENDS(to prohibit the sale of electronic nicotine delivery systems and electronic non-nicotine delivery systems in which the user can control device features and
liquid ingredients)

prohibit the sale of electronic nicotine delivery systems with a higher abuse
liability than conventional cigarettes, for example by restricting the emission
rate or flux of nicotine)

3、严格限制烟油成分,禁止大麻等(to prohibit the addition of pharmacologically active substances such as cannabis and tetrahydrocannabinol)。


apply the most restrictive tobacco control regulations to heated tobacco
products (including the device), as appropriate within national laws, taking
into account a high level of protection for human health