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回复@福田的小韭财: 我觉得涉及反垄断。看看一篇英文分析

A potential Broadcom (NASDAQ:AVGO) acquisition of VMware (NYSE:VMW) is expected to see antitrust pushback, especially from other industry players who see VMware as the "Switzerland" of the data center segment.Although Broadcom (AVGO) and VMware don't directly compete, technology companies from chipmakers like Intel (INTC) to cloud computing companies such as Amazon (AMZN) Web Services, work with VMware. Those companies might not want VMware, which they view as a neutral actor, to be owned by Broadcom, according to an earlier report from The Information.The potential $60 billion acquisitionof VMware (VMW) also comes after The Information previously reported that Broadcom is said to be investigated by the Federal Trade Commission for allegedly mistreating its chip customers.It's also possible that other suitors may now be interested in VMware such as Microsoft (MSFT), Google (GOOGL) and Cisco Systems (CSCO), according to the report.Recall that Nvidia's planned purchase of chip design firm ARM was scuttled at least partly after facing severe resistance from industry players.//@福田的小韭财:回复@贴地飞行的鲸鱼:这个和并购高通不一样吧,不涉及反垄断,通过的可能性很大啊。
2022-03-06 09:54
$博通(AVGO)$ 3月3日盘后发布财报,本季度的营收和每股收益及下季度的展望均超过了华尔街的一致预期。3月4日股价最终上涨了3%,需要注意的是这天美股大盘还是承受了巨大的压力,除了加息縮表的因素,还有俄罗斯乌克兰战争带来的影响,博通所属的半导体板块指数就下跌了2.7%。从这个角度看,我认为...


2022-05-25 14:41

intel和aws自己不买vmware,也没啥资格说是不是希望brcm不买。brcm买了pat的前东家,以后再在intel的fab生产,刚好符合pat idm2.0的战略,哈哈。