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在读$Maxlinear(MXL)$ 的最新财报会议纪要,感觉下面这段话是自己最有收获的。以前自己研究数通市场时,确实只是将目光放在那七大金主上面。

And generally, if you look at the entire market, 30% of the market is datacenter guys. The remaining centers 70% is non-hyper-scale datacenter folks, right. If you just look at it’s a nice overall market. And I bet you, in that 70% of market, a substantial majority will be single lane, 100 Gigabits per second market, right.

So, while we are all sort of enamored with the hyper-scale datacenters, they will be more 200 Gig, 400 Gig and in the future, 800 Gig products. But the remaining 70% of the market will be 100 Gig Single Lambda, single lane market for a long time to come. So it's a pretty strong replacement market, if you will.


2020-06-02 18:20
