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$Sierra Wireless, Inc. (SWIR)$ 今天看到消息,临时CEO Kent Thexton转正成为SWIR的正式CEO。

对于SWIR的这个找寻新CEO的过程有一些好奇,但无论如何,我对Kent主持的Q2 ER财报会议抱有极大的好感,当时认为那个管理团队很有前途。那么既然这个团队能持续,我认为对于公司的经营和发展来讲是好事情。


Sierra Wireless (NASDAQ:SWIR) has named Kent Thexton as the permanent President & CEO, effective November 1.

Thexton has been serving as interim President & CEO since May 31, 2018.

In addition, Robin Abrams, who has served on the company’s board since 2010, has been appointed to be the new Chair replacing Mr. Thexton who joined the board in March 2005 and has served as Chair since February 2016.


2018-11-10 02:07
