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2021-06-21 22:14

文中這兩段分別提到IRC’s loans或IRC’s debt,可見當初大股東Petropavlovsk出面擔保的是鐵貨的債務,跟部份球友的說法有出入。

Gazprombank’s role is crucial because Petropavlovsk has guaranteed some of IRC’s loans from the Russian lender. The deal with Stocken is contingent on removing the Gazprombank guarantees, which has been a strategic priority for Petropavlovsk.

Avalon said it had also arranged for the refinancing of IRC’s debt — a step which would have allowed the Gazprombank guarantees to be removed. The transaction, which according to a person familiar with the matter would have involved a prepayment from trading house Trafigura, and according to Avalon “could have been closed by now and was clearly much more advanced than Stocken’s bid.”

2021-06-21 16:32


2021-06-22 10:24


2021-06-21 16:58
